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MultiTopics 9-30-2024

I hope that every one of you is doing well! I have not written an article in a long while, especially with more than a topic. I went through two holidays, I believe, which were Christmas and New Year. Many things have been happening around here that I could barely find any time to write an article or a review, especially amid these holidays and having to go to a few appointments or meetings – quite a lot in a short time! But here I am writing a new article for once. However, this article will take some time to complete and publish. When I write an article with more than one topic, I always take the time because I write for each topic at a time. Hopefully, some topics might be interesting for you to read, and as well, having something that you can read for a while or only read a topic, then take a break and come back to read another topic! As some of you know, I have called two different titles for an article like this, one with more than one topic, such as tidbits, and then I renamed it to snippets. After getting feedback from some people suggesting that it should have a better title than snippets and that the title should make more…

Deaf Content Creators List

Here is a list of the Deaf/hard-of-hearing content creators. Because there is no list of Deaf/hard-of-hearing content creators I know of, I decided to make one using JoshiesWorld. JoshiesWorld’s website receives several thousand viewers daily, so these Deaf/hard-of-hearing content creators can get more recognition. This list does not have everyone, so it will be updated occasionally when I discover more of them. If you are a Deaf/hard-of-hearing content creator but didn’t see you are on the list below, please let me know so I can add you! If you aren’t a Deaf/HOH content creator but know someone who is, please let me know by leaving a comment below or getting a hold of me on social media (JoshiesWorld’s Facebook or JoshiesWorld’s Instagram). If you are on the list but want to be removed from the list or would like to update or add a website/merch shop/a link to another social media list, please let me know, and I will do so. There are Deaf/Hard of Hearing content creators groups on Facebook, Reddit, and LinkedIn, so if you want to join any of them, please do! Here are the group links to them: Deaf Content Creators on FacebookDeaf Content Creators on LinkedInDeaf Content Creators on Reddit Deaf Content Creators Be sure to support all, if not some, Deaf content creators by…

Happy 17th Birthday to JoshiesWorld!

Today marked the 17th anniversary or birthday of JoshiesWorld as it was launched on August 7th, 2007! I cannot believe that JoshiesWorld has remained strong for over a decade and a half, especially since it’s been going for 17 years. JoshiesWorld wouldn’t exist this long or still be running without all of your support, and I am very grateful for all of the support you have given me/JoshiesWorld! I remember the night I decided to launch JoshiesWorld; when I did, it was not organized, and I struggled with multiple hack attempts. Back then, especially during the 2000s, launching and maintaining a website was difficult because the technology running websites wasn’t as good as today. Technology has greatly advanced the way websites can be maintained a bit easily. Anyway, it’s not just me who helped JoshiesWorld grow. JoshiesWorld grew and continues to grow thanks to all of you who continue to support JoshiesWorld by reading articles, reading reviews, and following JoshiesWorld on social media. I appreciate that more than you can imagine! Many have tried to be successful with theirs but couldn’t and gave up, but with your support, JoshiesWorld continues! Now that today makes JoshiesWorld 17 years old, I look forward to seeing where JoshiesWorld goes in another decade as long as I still have your support! Thank every one…

Collab with JoshiesWorld on social media!

The other day, I published an article here on JoshiesWorld that I am expanding JoshiesWorld to social media so that everything doesn’t have to be only on JoshiesWorld’s website but also on social media and can be reachable to the audience that is on these social media. Here is the announcement that I published not too long ago here at When JoshiesWorld announced that it would be expanding to social media, that meant that JoshiesWorld would spread out to social media, although everything would be done on the main source/place, which is the website Content such as articles on all of the niches/categories/topics and reviews will only be created here on JoshiesWorld’s website while posting other kinds of content on social media such as pictures, videos, reels, live videos, and whatnot – to be more in close with the supporters or fans of JoshiesWorld. Any new articles or reviews published by JoshiesWorld will be shared on social media so that you will be notified that there is a new article or a new review for you to read if you are interested. Of course, suppose there is such important content posted on social media. In that case, JoshiesWorld will inform you here on the website if you prefer to read from the website instead of on…

Expanding To Social Media

Hey everyone! I know I last wrote an article or did a review here at JoshiesWorld’s website a while ago, and I apologize to all of you for that! I hope all of you are doing well; I am doing well, although I have some good and some bad days, just like everybody else. For several days, I have been thinking about what I can do to move the needle further for JoshiesWorld; by that, I mean to find a way to get JoshiesWorld more recognition and cover more areas for JoshiesWorld. Over a decade and a half, all the content, such as articles and reviews, has been created only on JoshiesWorld’s website, so I decided to expand to social media. The website will always be the main source/place for all the articles and reviews, but on social media, it will be more personal, such as sharing pictures, videos, live videos, reels, and whatnot. will always be the face of everything. By doing this, I hope to be more interactive with the fans (old or new) of JoshiesWorld, reaching out to all of you instead of you having to reach out to me by coming to the main source, JoshiesWorld’s website. As I said, on social media for JoshiesWorld, it will be more personal. Still, articles and reviews…

Super Bowl LVIII Halftime fiasco with NAD, ASL performers, and others

I know that this article comes very late (about two months), but between having a hectic schedule, dealing with other businesses, and taking the time to think more about this issue, here I am. With that said, I am taking my time slowly and writing as my thoughts process, but it’s important that even though it is very late, this conversation should continue because it is problematic. It is a mess. Now that the NFL Super Bowl LVIII (Super Bowl 58) is over, the teams that played in it were the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers. Kansas City Chiefs was seed three, and San Francisco 49ers was seed 1. This Super Bowl LVIII between the Chiefs and 49ers was perceived to be a rematch because both of them made it to the Super Bowl (Super Bowl LIV) back in 2020, facing each other, and this Super Bowl (Super Bowl LVIII), they faced each other again. In the Super Bowl LIV in 2020, the Kansas City Chiefs won with a score of 31-20 against the San Francisco 49ers, and now this year, Super Bowl LVIII Kansas City Chiefs won again against the San Francisco 49ers with a score of 25-22. This was the Kansas City Chiefs’ back-to-back Super Bowl wins since New England Patriots with Tom Brady. This was…

The 23andMe Experience And Finding A Family

A few businesses out there let us discover the family members we might need to be aware of; two of the most popular companies are Ancestry (also AncestryDNA) and 23andMe. They focus on finding our roots in our DNA, where our ancestry originated, what ethnicities we have, and getting help with our family tree. They would suggest or hint that someone might be my relative, so they added them to my family tree to let me know how they relate to me. Both of them have a tool that helps us find out where our ancestry root is and what we are in term of ethnicity. That tool I am talking about is that they would ship us a tube for us to take a spit in and then ship them back to them for them to do research in our DNAs to pinpoint what we are. Also, do we have family members we might not know? I went for both. I used 23andMe to find what I am, and then they will try to match my DNA with other family members I might not know. They would send a long list of different person names and compare my DNA with theirs, such as the percentage of the chance that we are related. I used Ancestry (they are also AncestryDNA)…

My Diet Journey

A few people told me I should write about my diet journey, where I have lost over sixty pounds, and how I did it, especially since I am a wheelchair user. It was a good idea to write an article about my diet journey in case some people wonder how I do it so that they learn from it and apply it to their diet. Before I start writing my diet journey here, I would like to make a disclaimer that I am NOT a doctor, a nutritionist, a dietitian, or an expert regarding diet. If you are seeking help with your diet, I recommend chatting with your doctor or getting yourself a dietitian or nutritionist. Also, what I did and how I did for my diet does not mean it would work for everyone else, as we are different. That is where the trials and errors come in until we know what works and what does not. But here is my diet journey, which was not easy! The Journey This wasn’t my first diet journey. I went on a diet a few years ago, which was in 2013, and at that time, before I went on a diet, I weighed around 160, then started losing to 94. At that time, my goal was 80, and I didn’t accomplish it…

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