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11-28-2016 Tidbits

Hey guys! How are all of you doing tonight? I hope that all of you are doing well, I see that we are already starting to feel the winter as it is reminding us that the winter is in the corner and that we better be prepared for it when they come. Why I said that we better be prepared for the winter? Because the mother nature made sure that they are unpredictable in the eyes of ours last year, when in around at that time in November last year that we are on this year a lot of us figured that it was just going to be what we predicted; Not a lot of snows, just a bit cold and a bit warm on some days but a very few days of blistering cold but we were wronged. The mother nature threw us something that we never thought to predict, a blizzard namely The Snowzilla last year where in eastern part of the United States had several feet of snows and the temperature were almost too unbearable. If you don’t know what I am talking about, referring to snowzilla then I suggest you to look up on a search engine like Google or Bing and look up the snowzilla in New York especially over in Brooklyn. You will see several pictures and videos where all of neighborhoods or in most of New York boroughs were snowed in to the point that no one can get out (literally) as their vehicles were drowned in snows. The winter last year were what we didn’t expect to see but they had happened, in other states on eastern part of the America such as Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, a bit of Tennessee and New Jersey along with New York was the target of the mother nature in the making of snowzilla. I am not going to say that we will be seeing another snowzilla, because I truly don’t know what we will be seeing just like we couldn’t predict the weather for the winter last year and it surprised us several times. So, it’d be better that we be prepared if that’s to happen again or worse, this way we can be more safe than be sorry and expect the unexpected if that’s to happen again.

11-28-2016 Tidbits

I have a few tidbits that I would like to share my opinions or thoughts on, I am not exactly sure if this will end up to be the long one or short one for the tidbits because I always write the topics on a saved document file in my OneDrive which is one of few great cloud storages where people can store their files, pictures, videos, audios and stuff instead of saving them to their physical storage such as computer’s hard drive or external hard drive. With OneDrive, it allows me to open the files I saves on any devices I own either through the internet browsers or their own app and OneDrive is under Microsoft. I bought subscription every year for the Office 365 so the extra 1TB space comes with it for OneDrive which that helps me a lot as I am known to be files hoarding. Nonetheless, onto the topic I hope you all will enjoy tonight’s tidbits and if you don’t see any topics that you would like to hear my opinions or thoughts on then please let me know what topics you would like for me to share my opinions or thoughts on by leaving a comment below, get a hold of me on social media which can be found on right side of the website under social media and or click here to submit using the form.

Deaf People and Their Education

Deaf community and its culture have been known to be in existence for centuries, which that is something that a lot of the hearies (next time when you see the word hearies, know that it is referred to the people who can hear) are not aware of this and that’s a problem. Why is that a problem that the fact that the hearies are unaware of the Deaf community has been in existence since centuries? Because if they have been aware of the Deaf community for some centuries then they would know that who becomes Deaf does not means that there is something wrong with them and that there is no need to search for a fix to correct that because it is a part of the culture that has been there for centuries. When the hearies found out that someone they just recently met or bumped into is Deaf they immediately sympathize them, due to lack of awareness by its society they are not aware well enough to understand the true meaning of Deaf as they are wired to thinking by the person being Deaf also means that they are dumb and or retard. Some hearies learned that anyone who happens to be Deaf, that their reading and writing grade level is four at best without knowing or denying that the education they set for the Deaf people is at fault for their poor education.

Therefore, we are fighting so hard to have as many as mainstream schools, universities, colleges and institutes in every state here in the United States to provide bilingual-bicultural program for their education as it has been proven to be the best education for the Deaf people by separately teaching them two different languages; their own native language which is American Sign Language and their written language in English. Some of them provides a program that have shown no success, repeatedly, such as total communication, Signing Exact English (SEE), Oral (via speech therapy) and or Cued. There have been some studies that proved the bilingual-bicultural (BI-BI) program in education for Deaf people is majorly success, bilingual-bicultural program in education allows the Deaf people to learn using their own native language and while at the same time learning the English for writing. Some states have a very strong resistance in allowing their schools to change and to provide bilingual-bicultural program. Therefore, I encourage all the Deaf people in each state to fight to remove Early Hearing Detection and Invention (EDHI) and replace it with LEAD-K as they will be the one who push schools in each state to start providing bilingual-bicultural program for the Deaf people’s education.

About Bilingual-Bicultural:

Need Your Help with Recommendation for books on Deaf

As of lately I have started reading some books, I am not really a big fan of reading books although I am a huge fan of reading comic books as I have been reading comic books for years now and for some reason I started thinking about the Deaf history for a few weeks now. Irony thing is that I am Deaf myself, I never have read any books about the history of Deaf and other things that is related to Deaf. I guess that is due to not thinking about a such book that has anything to do with Deaf, I live in mountains here in the state of Kentucky on the very east part and I have never been exposed to the Deaf. I know basics about the Deaf culture, what I really don’t know is the history on Deaf as once again I have never been exposed to anything about Deaf until a few months before I became a temporary representative for Deaf Grassroots Movement in Kentucky state until I was replaced due to favoritism in the what they call “core” but let’s go with executives so I started learning a lot more by the internet but I want to learn more so I am asking for some help from you guys.

Do you have any recommendation for some books on Deaf history, Deaf culture and such? Please good ones and I would greatly appreciate your recommendation on Deaf history or Deaf culture books. I already have and read “Understanding Deaf Culture: In Search of Deafhood” which is an amazing book written by Paddy Ladd. Leave some comments below or tweet them to me on Twitter and my twitter handler is @JoshiesWorld.

Should All School Buses Have Seatbelts?

I have a couple of people asking me that question, being that one of these two people is my old teacher in my grade school back in early 90s (90-92) about whether do I think that all of school buses should have seatbelts because of the wreckage in Tennessee? The question to that is yes and I am shocked to know that they still haven’t put any seatbelts on in school buses. I figured that by now they would have seatbelts on school buses, as the law have become stricter about anyone driving without seatbelts and I guess that some manufacturers who manufactures school buses didn’t think or have the common sense that the law should be applies to them too. Over a few years now, the police departments have started being more serious about anyone who drives without seatbelts as in the 90s the police departments were more flexible when they pulled over anyone who got caught driving with no seatbelts on. Lately I have noticed that a lot of the police departments in different cities and counties in both states of Kentucky and West Virginia do road checks more often than they have before as before they would maybe do about once every two or three weeks but now about twice a week so that is a huge difference. If the law enforces that the drivers to wear seatbelts otherwise they would be ticketed for wearing no seatbelts, school buses should be enforced within’ the law to wear seatbelts for all students and the bus drivers. I just don’t see how a company like General Motors, who makes vehicles that also makes buses along with another company calls I believe international for semi-trucks installs seatbelts and none for the school buses? I know that every companies who manufactures vehicles, semi-trucks and buses must do a crash test for their vehicles or their semi-trucks to make sure that they are within’ the law. But I ever wonder if they have done a crash test for the school buses? Because if they haven’t then I am amazed with how they have no common sense of what would happen to small children sitting on the buses that they manufactured when they wrecked. Anyone who have ridden a school bus before can imagine what would happen if it was to crash, nothing to hold themselves to their seats and as bouncy the buses are, is sure way to have something danger their life – I cannot think of a word but it’s very scary to just imagine.

So, I am all for installing the seatbelts in every bus and to find a way to ensure the safety for the children and students. Any buses that doesn’t have seatbelts are the hotbeds for lawsuits and there have been a few bus crashes before that have killed several children so the one in Tennessee isn’t the first time that had happened so they should have already installed the seatbelts for the school buses even long before the crash in Tennessee. It is unfortunate and these parents are in my thought and prayers. It is time that the school buses start to equip seatbelts whether if the school buses are old or new. However, I have no idea if there is a law that state that all the school buses to have the seatbelts, if there are a law that states that please give me a link to it by leaving in the comment below and I’ll give them a read.

The Democracy in America?

You know every country they have different politics that they follow, China is communist, North Korea is Totalitarian Dictatorship and America is Democracy. I wonder if some of you understand what is democracy? If you answer that it is based on a party such as Democratic then you are incorrect. The short answer to what is Democracy is that it is a country that it’s in control by the people meaning me, you and them. We would often see the media, on television repeated the word “Democracy”, saying that the election is democracy because it is the people that votes to elect to govern a country such as president and as well senates, governors, congresses and among others. You know the America is a democracy country? Again, I remind you that even if a country is filled with Republicans does NOT means that a country become a republic because that doesn’t work that way and that goes same for the Democrats. Unfortunate for many of us, America is no longer a democracy country that we all thinks to be and it hasn’t been for several years now. America is and has been a Capitalism country since several decades now, we have been struggling to get the America back to what it was once – A Democracy country that we all loved. While America has been trying to go back to being democracy, either with the government filled with Republicans or Democrats and yet there are some of the people who is trying all their best to push the America to be the full-blown capitalism country. In a way, America is now capitalism and has been for several years but republicans like George W. Bush and current President-Elect Donald Trump will be the ones to push the America over the borderline between democracy and capitalism. Becoming capitalism country isn’t a good thing, because it can put our lives in danger and push the America in a direction that we hope to not go. What direction am I talking about? World War Three.

Now a lesson for you. Do you know what Capitalism country means? In control by the people, me, you and us separately from other countries? Incorrect answer. Capitalism country, in this case America means that the America is to be in the control of the governments and corporations instead of by us or for us. WHAT?! Yeah, you made that to happen so good job and with voting for Donald Trump is the hammer that you need to knock the America over the borderline between Capitalism and Democracy. If you ever want to stop it from making the America to be all the way Capitalism country then I suggest that you keep an eye of yours to what the governments (President, Governors, Senators, Congresses etc.) and do your homework better in the next election to vote the right people to be in the office that will steer the America in any directions that WE the people demand. Not the other way, the people in the office steering the America in any directions “FOR” us and says that it is in the best interest of the Americans when they really are not.

Netflix, HULU and Amazon Prime Recommendations

I have been watching few television shows lately on these three video streaming services and here is a few of TV shows that I recommend for you to watch.

Smallville, The Crown, The 100, The Gotham, The Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Games of Throne, The Lost, The Walking Dead and The Z Nation.

The End

It is getting too way late over here, I was hoping that I would go on with a few more topics but I cannot as my time has run out over an hour ago, and the bed is calling for my name or more so of screaming for my name. I am getting tired; my fingers are tired by typing this which I realize that I have written almost three thousand of words and that is considerably lots. If you have any topics that you would like for me to share my opinions or my thoughts on my next tidbits, please leave a comment below and suggest any topics that you would like to hear my opinions or thoughts on. You don’t have to leave a comment to suggest, you can suggest them to me via Twitter or any other social media which I will provide the link for you to pick which one to get a hold of me. But for now, I must bid you a good night and I hope that all of you have a great night.

Joshua “Joshie” Sullivan.

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