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11-8-2019 Snippets

How are you all?! I hope that everything is well with you all, I know I haven’t done snippets article in a very long time as I have been investing a lot of my time on other parts of JoshiesWorld and that is reviews as some of you already know by now that the reviews are a new addition for JoshiesWorld. Not only that, we all know that Christmas is coming faster than we feel or think and this means that we have been busy or that we are about to get busier than ever especially trying to shop for some of the things for our family and friends! Even I am already thinking about the things or what to do for Christmas I am forgetting that there is Halloween coming up in just a matter of few days and then there is thanksgiving on the way! There are so many things for me, trying to juggle a lot of things and hoping that one of them doesn’t slip through but even sometimes they are difficult I like doing them. Sometimes I fail, sometimes I succeed and that is just the norms for the people who try to accomplish something that they want to accomplish or reaching whatever the goals that they want to reach. Is there something that you are very immersed in, whether it be working on something or trying to find or get something for a hobby? Let me know by leaving a comment below!

With all that said, for myself, I am doing just fine and just have been busier than usual! But God with me, everything will be just fine and continue to maintain that. There is one thing that I am looking very forward to is to see some snow for the first time of this season! Obviously, I have seen snow as most of the time I do every winter but it’s just something that you get to feel when you see the first snowflake for this year and embrace that. Of course, even that I am a huge fan of snow (always been especially a fan of winter) I am hoping that on any important days that we are to travel somewhere that there wouldn’t be any snow and that there wouldn’t be any danger on the road. Snow on any day but not on the days that we have to be on road to go somewhere important!

11-8-2019 Snippets

Okay, here we are as I am getting ready to write some topics for the snippets and as usual I would like to warn you that sometimes there can be several, long or short and few topics to read. Sometimes this is actually unpredictable for me in a way, because some of the topics I have added to my topics list to write and some of the topics sometimes would just come to my head as I write the topics that I have on this list which usually turn few topics to several topics but at least something for you to read or more topics for you to pick to read!

Note: Some of these topics are already old news! Yes, you are right because some of them may be because usually when I write snippets article I don’t go ahead and write a whole article on the same day because I like to write one or couple topics each day for at least a week before completing this or any other snippets article. Some I would do it within’ a day by having a ready list of the topics that I would want to talk about but sometimes I don’t and I would instead write one by one as the days go then publish it within’ the week or at least trying to do so less than a week.

Oh, and how you like this new style that I implemented to make finding the topics or choosing the topics to read faster rather than to go through all just to find the topics you are interested in reading? What do I mean? Look under this and click the “Topics List” link. Enjoy!

Easier To Access To JoshiesWorld

Okay, maybe it’s not THAT easier but still a just tad bit easier for you to access to JoshiesWorld’s website. As you know, to get to JoshiesWorld you type “” so I have decided to purchase another domain in an attempt to make it easier for you to at least type a fewer character and easier to remember – Joshies.World! No, seriously that is it. Just simply type Joshies.World in your internet browser’s address bar and you will be redirected to!

Becoming Reviewer

Some of you already know, some of you may already realize and some of you may don’t know that I have decided to become a reviewer which is another position’s title to my list of what I do. The main of JoshiesWorld always will be articles and news, that never will change and just that I have decided to throw the reviews in the mix because I think it makes more sense for me to do so since JoshiesWorld is all about everything that I do. I write articles, deliver news and whatnot with my opinions, what I have discovered and other things but there were no reviews? That almost makes no sense so I thought that it was perfect timing for me to go ahead and just implanted the reviews system so that I can do more than delivering news that I investigate, write op-ed articles or others. I am credible so adding reviews will build my creditability even more which it has already been since the day I started reviewing because when I added the reviews the views for JoshiesWorld skyrocketed. You can see all of my reviews by going to the reviews tab at the top of the website or look for the reviews I have done on your right side of JoshiesWorld on the desktop version or at almost bottom on mobile (smartphones/tablets) version. So far my reviews have already been used on IMBd for my movies and television shows reviews, my foods review on some food websites and the business and restaurant reviews are showing up several websites so JoshiesWorld is getting a lot of backlinks which this means it is booming success for me!

Plus, I am planning on to be real when it comes to reviewing which means that I am going to be very hard-pressed on rating. Not everyone will be able to get five stars, maybe not four stars and three stars. Three stars, in my opinion, are that it’s good enough, four is great if they truly are and five is probably never going to happen unless they are overwhelming great.

Who Am I Rooting For Kentucky Governor 2020?

Of course, I am rooting for none other than Andy Beshear and it is a no-brainer to root for Andy Beshear to become the next governor of Kentucky for several reasons! For almost four years since the last election for Kentucky’s governor has been very embarrassing for us Kentuckians whether if we are Republicans or Democrats, the Kentuckians elected Matt Bevins as Kentucky’s governor and I almost don’t have to explain why Kentucky has become an embarrassing state while being governed by him. One of the biggest embarrassing and mistakes by Matt Bevins was to attack the teachers/educators of Kentucky head-on. I mean, seriously how can he even think he could just simply started attacking Kentucky’s teachers in general? The teachers of Kentucky is what help the students to grow and be prepared to take on whatever comes in their way when they have become an adult such as knowing how to get a job or being taught so that they could attend a university or college to earn a degree to have a successful career in order to support himself or herself along with the family’s future. I personally think that the teachers are the front line of making sure that the people prosper by learning otherwise we would have a child becoming a dumb adult who unexpectedly became a governor of Kentucky and do everything in its power to attack the very thing that helped the growth. If it wasn’t for Matt Bevin’s education, believe me, he wouldn’t be a governor or even come close to being able to be elected in any government position and he did thanks to his teachers.

Then decided to be attacking the healthcare of Kentucky, knowing that it would do more than harm to the senior citizens and disabled citizens of the very state that he governs as Kentucky has a very large base of both groups. How can he even had the audacity to do that in the first place is something that I can never figure and even though in my opinion I always think that Republicans aren’t good when it comes to their own citizens health or wellbeing but he along with others including the president sure have raised the bar of how awful Republicans can be!

Kentucky’s healthcare was, in fact, going so well, it was becoming better than the country’s own healthcare and it was even before Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare born so in a way the previous administration (Barack Obama) pretty much looked at our used-to-be amazing healthcare while working on Affordable Care Act. Guess who did just that? None other than Steve Beshear, the father of candidate Andy Beshear! Unfortunately, our amazing healthcare that was formed by Steve Beshear was single-handedly destroyed by Matt Bevins and push us back to the 1990s healthcare which is barely any good. Electing Andy Beshear to be the next governor, stopping Matt Bevins from winning the second term as a governor of Kentucky and then Andy Beshear will start working on putting us back on the track with the healthcare that his father (former governor of Ky) built during his terms – even better!

Matt Bevins has been shown that he proudly uses Kentucky’s taxpayers’ money for his personal flights, traveling and for his cabinet/staff’s expenses while telling us Kentuckians that it is none of our business if he does that or not as if he has all the right to do so.

UPDATE: Andy Beshear has won the election and is now a governor-elect defeating the Kentucky outgoing governor Matt Bevins! Congratulation Andy Beshear on winning the election, Matt Bevins as expected haven’t conceded and the senate is considering to overturn the election by handing the total votes of third party’s (libertarian’s party) candidate votes to current governor Matt Bevins which isn’t the right way, if for any reason and that it’s legal that the total of votes can go to both current governor Matt Bevins and the Governor-elect Andy Beshear equally – Andy Beshear still wins!

Speech Therapists, Be Real!

Today I have told a speech therapist that speech therapy is unnecessary when they were talking about that Kentucky School for the Deaf hasn’t had a speech therapist for three months and in my opinion, I see it as good that it is about the time. Of course, they attacked me being grammar nazi which is usually their defense when it comes to us putting them aside and reminding them what they do isn’t helpful because in my opinion that they deprive the Deaf and Hard of Hearing children from learning their native language which is none other than American Sign Language. There are already proven studies that showed several benefits learning American Sign Language or other sign languages over speaking especially for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing people. Of course, while at their defense of being a grammar nazi knowing that because of them we aren’t great with reading and writing they would at the same time try to oppress – that just doesn’t roll with me, not especially with that attitude of theirs.

Are You A Planner?

I sure am, well sometimes. Every week I would try to go by a word or a sentence line and the word for this week for me is “strategize”. Why strategize? As the growth continue for JoshiesWorld here, I need to make a strategy plan that I can boost that growth just a bit more especially on the credibility side rather than viewership because that is important for any journalists or reviewers is to be creditable or otherwise they wouldn’t take them any serious or anything because they aren’t that well known for so that is where I am going to work on. I’ve got business cards coming in, I already have stickers done and been handing them out which you can see them on my Instagram or on Facebook. Planning something ahead can be successful or a failure, the important is that even if you’ve failed that you know it doesn’t mean that you stop there and continue working. For example, let’s say if you use the same word as mine for this week “strategize” and you failed then decide a new word for the next week “rebound!”. Do you do something like this? Going by a quote, a word, a sentence or something that you have a plan to accomplish for the week or even a month or a year? As for me this week like I said, “strategize” and I am already thinking of another word for the next week – I am thinking “productivity” but we’ll see because this is just the beginning of the first week so that depends on if I successfully strategize or not.

Winter Is Coming

I can feel it, I can feel it! The weather here is getting colder, it gets cold quicker than it did last year but the people are predicting that this year will be above average which means that we’ll be seeing a warmer winter than we saw last year and this is something to be concerned about especially that we have a big problem with climate change. The earth is getting warmer thanks to climate change, the more melt from the north and the south would mean the warmer that we would be because where we would get the cold from? Yes, we will still have cold winter but they are getting more warmer every winter and that will continue if we are not going to do something about climate change. Some of you may not believe in climate change saying that it is a hoax, fine but you cannot deny that the stats are showing that we are getting warmer every year which is called the climate change that is being caused by many of things such as pollutions such as gas emission, etc.

I am a big fan of the cold winter, I am looking forward to seeing some snow (hopefully) as long as they don’t snow on any of the days that we have to travel such as doctor appointments or whatnot but on the days that we have nothing to do I am hoping that we will get snowed in!

Want Your Products Reviewed?

As a reviewer, it is one of the jobs that I take very seriously, I have been a blogger way before the year 2007 but 2007 was when JoshiesWorld launched and I have been writing for many years but like above I’ve said I have decided to become a reviewer. I have gained credibility as a blogger and I am steadfastly gaining credibility as a reviewer especially that I have been writing a few now (combining hundreds on other services such as Yelp). I have been reviewing different things such as television shows, movies, technology gadgets, restaurants, hotels, events, and others on reviewing websites such as Google, Yelp, Foursquare, TripAdvisor, Kayak and others. I have given a lot of reviews for many years on several different services but I feel that it is time that I get serious and that is why I added the reviewing system to this website Of course, I will continue to review some of these services such as Yelp and Google but this will be my credible reviews authorship (not for but my own authentically). I am letting you know that I am looking for any products that include technology gadgets, expenses for foods at restaurants, hotels, events, traveling, movies, television shows, and many others so if you are interested in getting an honest review of your product please do contact me! You can do so by going to this contact page or feel free to contact me on social media which you can find my social media list here.

Complained About “Sign Languages” instead of “American Sign Language”.

Yes, I am talking about you who made a vlog saying that in a piece of frame in Convo’s short film at Gallaudet University where a person says “signing community” and you said that he/she should’ve said “ASL”. No, just no. By saying that you oppress the Deaf community by saying that it should be American Sign Language (ASL) when it was right thing for Convo’s Gallaudet video to say signing community or sign languages instead of saying American Sign Language because you forgot that the Deaf community is NOT about American Sign Language users when there are several sign languages such as British Sign Language, French Sign Language, etc. You cannot just assume that the Deaf community is all about American Sign Language (ASL) when there are several other sign languages in their countries such as Japanese Sign Language and whatnot. Signing Community or Sign Languages is the right way to say when we are talking about the Deaf community in general, not just saying American Sign Language (ASL) because not every country learn America’s sign language which is American Sign Language so be careful with how you are trying to say or subtly oppressing your own community.

Appalachia Declining Population

It is a sobering reality that most of us live in Appalachia, who lives and breathes in Appalachia that the people are leaving us more than ever these days. I tweeted asking for some topics suggestion and a guy (a cousin, thanks R.C.) tweeted saying that I should talk a bit about Appalachia declining population which I thought that it was fantastic idea even though it is something that I am writing about this with a heavy heart because I am one among other remaining population in the Appalachia. There are a few things that I can think of, along with some facts and a few theories that I may have about this. It is almost a obvious answer that the reason of declining population in Appalachia is due to economy loss, especially within’ coal mines because they said that Appalachia was where the jobs were but now it is not due to declining demand of coals thanks to cheaper alternative which is natural gasoline and it has been declared in 2017 that the United States’ biggest energy source is now natural gasoline for the first time as for years before three (3) years ago (2016) the coals were the nation’s biggest energy source. Power plants decided to switch from the coals to natural gasoline because it is cheaper and safer which caused low demands for the coals – all the coals were produced within’ Appalachia. Lower demands for the coals mean fewer jobs that Appalachia has, the people started leaving the Appalachia long way before coal mines economy crash but they are what accelerated the decline of Appalachia’s population though. The most populations that are leaving Appalachia are young people, mostly to the urban or suburban and the cities for better lives, especially where the jobs all are now at thanks to the booming technology industries along with solar and as well renewables energy. For example, in Wise County of Virginia is now rich with broadband internet thanks to the investments by the state’s tobacco commission.

Right now there is an ongoing effort in eastern Kentucky to create what some are calling it Silicon Hollow with drones and cybersecurity. In my own eyes for the eastern Kentucky, in particular Pike County of Kentucky I am seeing the building economy in tourist especially with ATVs and Side By Side (SXS) thanks to collaboration with its neighbor state West Virginia because of their Hatfield and McCoy Trails system where people would be able to drive their toys on the street legally within’ the city. Pikeville Medical Center has won several grants where they will be building several new buildings, as well there will be a few new businesses coming in eastern Kentucky next year and this will mean several new jobs for the coal miners or the family of coal miners to have but the question is will they stop relying for a job in coal mines to look for a better job? That is the question that the former coal miners will have to ponder on otherwise they will be waiting for a job that never will come back because like I said that the power plants have already moved on from coals to natural gasoline which is a lot cheaper for them to buy to power the electricity.

The bottom line, the declining population from Appalachia is mainly due to declining coal economy. It is a hard pill to swallow for everyone especially those who work in coal mines, the family who supports coal mines and who is a fan of coal mines. Yes, the coals may continue but not for electricity or anything except the steel so it would still be too low demands for coals in order for them to return the coal economy like it was used to be.

Here are a good couple of articles that I recommend and so you can learn a bit more to get a better picture/idea of why the populations are declining in Appalachia!

The Television Show, SEE!

No, seriously that is the name of the television show is “SEE”. I will be doing a review on this show but Apple now have their own streaming service and it is called Apple TV+ where they produce films or television shows of their own. SEE is one of them, SEE has an actor that people are crazy over and I am certain that once I say his name that you would be rushing to see what the show “SEE” looks like but here it is – Jason Momoa! No, I won’t spoil anything here about the television show “SEE” here and besides I am trying to resist myself from saying too much about the show because I need that to write a review about the show but I am suggesting you give it a peek! Unfortunate for many, the television show “SEE” can only be found on ONE service and that is Apple TV+. If you have Apple TV device especially the 4K, you should be able to get an free episode if not the season or a few free episodes for some of their television shows and then you will have to subscribe to Apple TV+ monthly for almost five ($5) dollars a month which isn’t too bad especially comparing to other services which are usually in range of $10-$18 a month.

What Happened? Am I No Longer A Gamer?!

Ah, to be honest with you I actually have lost interest in playing games, the latest gaming devices I own are Xbox One (not S) and PlayStation 3 so that says something. I haven’t played a game on either of these machine in a long time although I do sometimes play some games on PC only on the days that I am in the mood and absolutely have nothing to do including that I don’t have anything that I need to write or review on here then I would play some games only on PC such as Assassin’s Creed Odyssey or origins for a little bit. I am still so much a fan of Assassin’s Creed that I just couldn’t give up but everything else I have, because as I said I have lost interest in gaming and I can barely even find long enough for an hour for anything let alone to play a game so that plays a big role in losing my interest to play games.

Deaf Fundraising = Problematic

It seems that nowadays when some Deaf people decide to do fundraising for anything or for good causes, they get mobbed for it and that is silly. When they ask for a donation, you attack them for the fact that they are fundraising and that is not a cool thing. Even when they don’t fundraise or anything before, some of you would even come to accuse them of fundraising as if they are a crime for us Deaf people to do some fundraising for anything that we need the funds for and that is childish. The deaf community is very small, often discriminated on daily basis especially with having a hard time finding a job due to discrimination or unwilling to hire them and they look at fundraising as the alternative way to at least get some funds to help them for anything that they need the funds for even if they are for something that they can have fun with. In the Deaf community has a very bad stigma when it comes to fundraising for some reason, everyone including the Deaf people have every right to fundraise for ANYTHING that they want and some of you should not get in the way of that because you can even fundraise for yourself just as you have every right to do so yourself too.

Another thing I am disgusted with is the Deaf community because the most successful donations are the white Deaf people while when it comes to Deaf people of colors they almost never could even get it off the ground. When Deaf people of color ask for a donation, you ignore them and then see that Deaf white people asking for a donation you immediately jump in to donate them. Why is that I ask? Or what about a Deaf victim who was trying to fundraise for domestic violence and could barely get any donations?! I did my part even I barely get by but I did my part because it was more important and I have seen many of you haven’t while you have donated the others that are not as important as a victim asking for a donation to support a domestic violence agency/organization. You have a bad sense of priorities and shame on you for that.

PSTT… Donate me here!

Yay, Blue Wave In Kentucky!

No, don’t be so quick to say that. Yes, thankfully we elected a Democrat governor and stopped a selfish Republican governor from being elected for a second term but that was it. We lost the Democrat Attorney General to Republican; we lost a Democrat secretary of state to Republican and others – 5 of 6. We only won one, even though electing a Democrat governor is the bigger piece of a pie but still we lost the whole pie to Republican Party and that isn’t good because they will pretty much force a Democrat governor hands tied even though the governor has the executive power but around him they can prevent some if not many. Especially that we’ve just lost AG to Republican, that would mean a barrier of a Democrat governor just like a Democrat AG (who is now a governor-elect) have been doing to a Republican governor (outgoing) all of these past four years. If there are a few things that you like from Andy Beshear’s goals, you should at least try to also elect a Democrat AG because an AG is a position that can make a governor struggle so that isn’t good.

For Business Owners

If any of you are owner of a business, whether it be a physical business or not including the internet business such as website, news/media company, blogging, affiliates marketing or owning a physical business such as stores, hotels, offices and whatnot I am wondering what you do to advertise yourself or your business? I would love to hear how you advertise yourself (as a blogger, website owner, news/media company, etc) or your business because I am looking for any way that I can to help to get the words out about JoshiesWorld. I have brought customized can koozies, shirts, stickers, business cards and now I am doing research on one or a couple more things to add to that list for a way to advertise JoshiesWorld. Leave a comment below, let me know how you do with what and did they succeed or fail so I can know what to go for or to avoid!

Farewell, Foursquare!

I have been a big fan of Foursquare, in fact I was one of it’s superuser level 4 which it’s a volunteer position that they gave to users depending on their contributions, the lower ranking superuser have fewer roles and the higher has more roles so I was level 4 which was just one or maybe two behind the highest levels because I was one who contributed a lot by approving, editing, adding and whatnot for their maps or addresses – cause of that my accuracy was very high. If you don’t know what Foursquare was then you must be living under a rock, Foursquare was founded in the year 2011, was one of the most popular check-ins and business search to look for restaurants or other services with the reviews. Do you say I mean like Yelp? Yes, in a way but Foursquare was more known for check-ins and Yelp was not until a couple of years ago then Foursquare was losing its competition against a competitor which is Yelp. Apparently Foursquare decided to throw the towel in and become something else like Technorati which was sort of directory rankings for websites because Foursquare went from business/services searching to some sort of mapping service. If you have heard of Swarm then you can get at least an idea of what Foursquare was because Swarm is also owned by Foursquare, Foursquare decided to separate the check-ins from the business/services searching service and call it Swarm in an attempt to edge out Yelp but obviously it has failed as Foursquare have changed completely.

It was fun using Foursquare and as well making sure that they are accurate for the searchers so that they don’t end up going to McDonald’s when they want Wendy’s. I noticed that ever since Yelp decided to add the check-ins and improved that which pretty much just killed Foursquare because check-ins were the edge that Foursquare had on Yelp. Farewell, Foursquare!

Facebook Fiasco

Okay, I am aware that there are a lot of problem with Facebook’s security, policies and whatnot along with being able to influence the election of the United States or have the ability to influence any country’s election if Facebook is not banned there as there are some country that bans Facebook or restrict Facebook. A lot of you are saying that Facebook is becoming too large, I agree that Facebook is and I roll my eyes every time I see some people say that they are going to deactivate their account on Facebook whenever they see something that they don’t like what Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg says in public including the testifies before the congress. Why do I roll my eyes you ask? Because you love Facebook too much to stay away from Facebook for a long time, you have more family and friends on Facebook which makes it easier for you to connect with them. Mark Zuckerberg knows this, I am certain that if Mark Zuckerberg says that the entire of your information is being sold daily and tell you “too bad” you would still be on Facebook. It has taken over our lives whether we like it or not, it is the reality but the good news is that we can only control what we put on the internet especially when it comes to the public but our information and lives will forever be exposed to the employees of Facebook. If you think that you can be safe from the internet forever, you cannot be because as soon as you go to ANY website your location is immediately exposed thanks to your IP address which was given to you by your internet provider and each IP address are unique because every IP are different as each of us who have internet access have our own IPs which can be as easily tracked – all it takes you to do is to go to ANY (I mean ANY) websites your location has been exposed right away.

There is a way to mask it but it costs you money, it is a service called VPN (virtual private network) which it can confuse the servers (any websites) of your locations because it would be pinging from several places at a same time and VPN is usually used for people who travel to another country that bans certain services that they want to access to or who wants to leak information or whatnot without masking it’s location as it can be traced. The negative thing about them is that they will affect internet speed greatly.

Nonetheless, I think that at this point that Facebook has pretty much got so big that it now dominates our lives whether we like it or not and they know it. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook can say anything that we don’t like and we would still find ourselves using Facebook afterward. Want to stop that? Nothing can. They have gotten to the point of not where they are too powerful if you say a congress, president or Federal Communications Commission (FCC) can easily stop them and I say “HA!” because they won’t be able to. They can easily move to another country and still run Facebook. Facebook has gotten so big thanks to us, you all and me.

A Fan Of Wrestling

I used to be a fan of wrestling when I was a kid, I even would nickname myself after a few of my favorite wrestlers such as Hulk, Sting, and others which I am very embarrassed by now that I used to give myself nicknames after some of the wrestlers. As I get older, I realized that they are not real and I immediately lost interest in watching the wrestling. Even to this day, I can still never understand how I become a fan of them, sure they are for entertainment but when I get older I started looking at them as children past time television shows and they become a show along with other children’s cartoons shows that I grew out of. I know there are some adults who are very crazy fans of the wrestling and I can never understand how they still being a fan of the wrestling after they become a teenager. I stopped being a fan of wrestling when I became a teenager and I think that is probably the last time I have watched a wrestling show since then (11-12 years old) which is more than two decades ago. I just cannot ever bring myself to watch a match, if I am at someone else’s house and they have the wrestling show it would be like scratching the blackboard for me.

That Is All For Now

This is for all now, I was thinking of writing several more topics but then I changed my mind because I have been so busy and I am very overwhelmed especially with the timing. The timing is what stressed me so much lately because every day I am trying to find some free time to somehow squeeze this in and write articles. No worries, I am planning on finding a way to be more productive because usually during the winter times I get more free times so that is a good thing and in just time for me to be a bit more active as I have just added reviews system so I will be juggling a lot here. If you have any idea, a suggestion for some topics that you would like for me to share my thought, opinion, and whatnot on please let me know by using this contact page or get a hold of me on social media which you can find a list here! Thank you so much for all of your time and all of your support!

Joshua “Joshie” Sullivan.

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