No long time I have written an article for the blog! I know that many of you have taken a notice that I am no longer active in blogosphere, you have noticed that correct and I have some reasons behind why I haven’t written an article for a blog in a long time. I believe last time I wrote an article for the blog on the first week of February, but it was really more of an open letter to a person or a company, in that case it was for a company and it was written to Google about their new policy on YouTube which is owned by Google about their requirements for YouTube users. Here is a link to the open letter for you to read if you would like to or you can easily find it by going to the front page of this blog and look for the title called “Google, Reconsider YouTube Requirements”. Long story short, Google decided to change their policy for YouTube users with new requirements or criteria to be eligible to monetize their videos on their YouTube channel(s). Because of that new policy, anyone who was able to monetize their videos before the new requirements went into effective on February 20 have lost the ability to monetize their videos and only way…
Month: February 2018
Google have decided to change their policy on their monetization system for YouTube, anyone who has less than 1,000 subscribers and less 4,000 views annually (both combined will be required) will be affected if they already are accepted in their monetization system for their YouTube channels. I must say that I disagree with this idea, because Google didn’t realize that there are many Deaf and Hard of Hearing people who uses YouTube has very hard time getting any subscribers because they use their native language in their videos which is American Sign Language so this greatly limits their audience in general. Even, myself I don’t have that much subscribers although I do have the views on my YouTube channel which has been registered since the year of 2008 or earlier I believe, and I am myself Deaf so therefore I only use my native language in my videos which is American Sign Language, so I can only reach to a very limited audience due to that. Deaf and Hard of Hearing YouTube users has hard time getting subscribers because most YouTube users uses different vocal languages while we only use visual languages, and this isn’t only American Sign Language but also many other country’s sign language such as British Sign Language (BSL) or Latino Sign Language (LSL), etc. I ask…