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Category: Announcements

Long time!

Hey everybody. I want to apologize that I haven’t write anything for this website. Because I haven’t bother with this website for lord knows how long, about two months if not longer. Mostly because it is due to my busy schedules outside of the internet and my health, I was very ill as my stomach has been bothering me for few months so far now but I realized that I haven’t get on this website for a great of a length while so that I decided that I better get on it to make sure that everything still runs smooth and surprisingly it is! Nothing in its growth of JoshiesWorld has decreased, in fact it has increased and it is all because of you readers, and I thank you my family, friends and fans. All of you are fantastic, God bless you all. But although, as it is summer now it’s going to make my schedule full and it will be very busy for me. But I will try my best, very best to be able to find a time and squeeze in my own schedule to be able to get on the internet to do some work and writing some interesting posts that I used to. I am sure that all of you were very bored of looking at…

Happy Birthday to Joshie!

Today as the 12:01 AM rolls in, it is officially my birthday! My birthday is March 18th, 1987. I just now turned twenty four years old and I sure I wish that I wasn’t getting older because the older I get, my body is falling apart literally. Oh lord, you have no idea how much I wish to be able to go back age as teenager and not having to worry about anything because the older you get, you sure will becoming to worry a lot more about something. And also, the older you get the pain increases which isn’t a great feeling. Because I have been in very pain for my back for several years and the older I get it becomes so much less of comfortable. So definitely, I sure wish I can go back being a teenager. Because when I was teenager I could have more freedom than I do right now. Because as older I get the more things I have to be committed to do something, as before when I was teenager I wouldn’t have have to worry about working and such. As right now my career is a self-employed web developer and a blogger. What I am trying to say is that the older you get the more weights will be pressuring on your…

St. Patrick’s Day.

Hello everyone! How was your day? I hope that your day goes well as it’s St. Patrick’s Day! Hopefully that you are wearing something green or otherwise you may be getting some bruises from pinching by other people because some pinches could hurt you. I remember when I used to go to high school, I would getting pinched pretty hard by other friends and some strangers that I don’t even know when I didn’t feel like wearing something green on St. Patrick’s Day. Although even some of pinches cannot be felt, but when I got home and after few of hours realizing that the pinches I had was bruising even if it don’t hurt. But about St. Patrick’s Day. I always remember exactly when is St. Patrick’s Day because that’s a day before my birthday! Yes, that means my birthday is tomorrow. I am turning twenty four years old. I am getting older and older as the days passed and I can tell you that it’s not something that everybody can be happy once they are getting older especially in 20s, at least in late of 20’s in age because it means you’re just getting closer to mid-age which is what most of people aren’t looking forward to. But since that I have few of minutes to spare in my…

Adding more sharing options.

For so long that I have only put Twitter and FaceBook for everyone to share some of the posts that has been made on JoshiesWorld, now that I realize that it doesn’t give much of options for everyone who wants to share especially those who prefer the other services such as digg, reddit, linkedin, delicious and among others services. So I have decided to give a Stumbleupon a go for now since stumbleupon is also top sharing site along with Twitter and FaceBook. Hopefully that stumbleupon service will goes well and stumbleupon is not only one to be added as I am planning on to add couple more that I prefer to have on here which that would be blogengage, digg and maybe delicious. I would appreciate if you start using stumbleupon button on different posts on here and hopefully we get it going and of course there always will be Twitter and FaceBook to use as well. And I thank all these of you whom share some of posts on here with others, very much.

Happy Valentine’s day!

Happy Valentines day to you and I hope you have a great Valentines day. Valentines day is the most favorite holiday for everybody who’s in relationship because often, it shows how much they love each others and cherish the moments that each you have for each others. And plus, best of all you get chocolate, right ladies?! And these out there who don’t have a sweetheart for valentines day, that’s fine! All of you can still have fantastic valentines day without your sweetheart, because I know I am having pretty good day myself on this Valentines day without anyone in my life at this moment. Always remember, valentines day doesn’t means that you have to have someone to be with you on the valentines day. You can still have valentines day with your friends or family. Because Valentines day is all about love, not mostly about being together like most of people thought it was for. And if you have children and not a sweetheart then the children is your valentines day! Or even your niece or nephew, anyone can be and it don’t have to be husband, wife, boyfriend and girlfriend. I almost never have a girlfriend for Valentines day and that’s the truth, I did for few valentines day but I use my time with the family at…

Website temporary hiccups!

Nearly couple days ago JoshiesWorld website was getting out of control and it begin to mess with JoshiesWorld as when I tried to upgrade the database through the blogging system alone but everything is back running smoothly, hopefully. No longer than two days you were not able to visit JoshiesWorld and see that entire of blog posts were erased and the look of it changed and as well the page that was asking you to register some sort of database, but it was all errors. Now that I have fixed database properly and went through everything to make sure that all of features and others is working properly on JoshiesWorld. I thought my luck was about to run out though, because I for sure thought that I was losing my recent posts from restoring a database that was backup on Feb 4. But I didn’t, as everything is right and is right on track. I apologize for all of the troubles and weird things that were going around on here for at least couple days. Love you guys!

JoshiesWorlds’ Facebook Page.

I would like to let everybody to know that JoshiesWorld has registered a page with FaceBook where everybody can be a fan of and to like the page for JoshiesWorld. As it is new right now there’s few of activity going around on JoshiesWorlds’ FaceBook page but it is picking things up now, it is increasing its activity with status and comments for JoshiesWorlds’ official FaceBook page. Now only thing we need for the page is several more fans and the likes, this can happen is only if you guys will help me out too because lately JoshiesWorld growth has skyrocketed, but I never did it alone because you guys are part of JoshiesWorld growth, that’s why it’s growing so quick enough that there’s already some websites that gives JoshiesWorld few top 100 ranks which one of them is technorati giving JoshiesWorld top 100 motorsport ranked, but remember JoshiesWorld is NOT a motorsport website as it’s about many different categories. Be sure to go to this JoshiesWorlds’ Facebook page and then click the like button and you guys will keep getting several update statuses directly from JoshiesWorlds’ FaceBook page and still from JoshiesWorld Twitter. Please click this and then click the like button. Thank you very much, with all of your help to grow JoshiesWorld and JoshiesWorld will offer something…

Happy new year! 2011.

Hello everybody! In only very few of hours until new year for 2011! I would like to take a time to make this post to wish you all happy new year and that I hope that the new year will be greater for you all than it was in 2010. If you are going to be drinking alcohol then please stay safe and be sure to NOT drive while you are drinking, that’s most important for the new year. I hope that you all have a great time celebrating with all of your family and friends on the night of New Year eve which is tonight, be sure to watch the ball drop at 12:00 tonight on your television! Blow your horn and go crazy and sip a beer for me because I am going to be skipping on alcohol tonight. I only will do is watch the countdown on TV and also watch the ball being dropped and maybe eat little of foods and drink some Hawaii punch that don’t contain alcohol. Now all throughout the 2010 year, JoshiesWorld has been growing drastically just because all of you and I want to thank you for helping to grow throughout the year of 2010. Now let’s see how it will do in 2011! Now what are your goals for…

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