Hey guys and women! How are all of you doing? I hope that all of you are doing well, considering that we are somewhat having a taste of the winter as in eastern part of the United States is at 15 degree, especially over here in the state of Kentucky so it is obviously a bit cold and it is just the beginning of going into the winter. I am doing well myself over here, we got a lot of the heaters going on with the house’s heater, a couple of portable electric heaters and kerosene heater in the living room. With these heats going, the electric portable heaters and the house’s heater is having a bit difficult of catching up to the temperature that we have set for the house so that mean obviously that it is cold here but we are doing fine though. I notice that we just started getting low temperatures for the winter in December, which is a bit different because if I recall correctly, last year and maybe a few years before that we usually hit around 20-30 degrees in the beginning month of January. It’s middle of the month December, we are hitting the range of 10-20 degrees so that’s about 10-15 degrees and one month difference so I suspect that it is…
Category: Education
I am sure that by now that every one of you knows what Pearl Harbor is since by now that Pearl Harbor story is in history books that is being used and being taught in History classes in every schools or institutes. The superficial of the Pearl Harbor story is that Pearl Harbor is a location in the state of Hawaii which is a state that belongs to the United States of America, this was during the World War Two or II as the Pearl Harbor is where the United States and its allies anchor their battleships waiting for their orders by the commander-in-chief which is the President of the United States. While they were waiting for their orders, it is also the place that the wounded battleships to anchor for the repairs or to get some fuels for their battleships and the whole deal. While the United States soldiers and its allies’ soldiers mingles with each other at some bars and other places they were in for a surprise. That surprise that no one likes and that no one ever want to see; the surprise was a heavy attack from Imperial Japanese Navy when they sent their planes to the United States soil in Hawaii. Imperial Japanese Navy showed up unannounced, under the radar and suddenly attacking everybody on…
Hey guys! How are all of you doing tonight? I hope that all of you are doing well, I see that we are already starting to feel the winter as it is reminding us that the winter is in the corner and that we better be prepared for it when they come. Why I said that we better be prepared for the winter? Because the mother nature made sure that they are unpredictable in the eyes of ours last year, when in around at that time in November last year that we are on this year a lot of us figured that it was just going to be what we predicted; Not a lot of snows, just a bit cold and a bit warm on some days but a very few days of blistering cold but we were wronged. The mother nature threw us something that we never thought to predict, a blizzard namely The Snowzilla last year where in eastern part of the United States had several feet of snows and the temperature were almost too unbearable. If you don’t know what I am talking about, referring to snowzilla then I suggest you to look up on a search engine like Google or Bing and look up the snowzilla in New York especially over in Brooklyn. You will see…
I know that lately I have written a few articles that is Deaf and Hard of Hearing related but the reason is the Deaf Awareness Month were to due in the month September which is the current month now. The purpose for Deaf Awareness Month in September is to educate the people about the culture of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people, people who is audism are trying so hard to destroy for several decades now. Even though the Deaf community may be a little but it has a strength in holding their place when it comes to anyone that is trying all their best to make sure everybody is not aware that the Deaf and Hard of Hearing has their culture as they want to frame them with the label disability. As I am part in the Deaf community, the battles with audism daily is tiresome and frustrating because one of many reasons is that we never gave the permission to anybody to make any decision for us especially on state or nation’s level. So many of the people thinks that anyone who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing means that there is something wrong with them, hence the label disability but what they don’t realize it is not disability when it is a culture and there is some…
Many of you or some of you know that Deaf individuals natural language would be American Sign Language, for short ASL which is a language that the people who is Deaf and Hard of Hearing use as their communication tool to communicate. Commonly Deaf people use American Sign Language to communicate with each others but they have attempted to communicate with the people who’s able or they call them “hearies” in American Sign Language and majorly they failed to understand that language because they never learned American Sign Language which mainstream schools is the one to blame for because most of them don’t offer American Sign Language as one of their languages class. Several mainstream or public schools are offering at least language for the students to take, mostly either Spanish or French but not American Sign Language and what they don’t realize is that American Sign Language is more used than French but as important as Spanish though since in United States there is no official languages but three most used languages would be English, Spanish and American Sign Language equally. In 2012 United States Census populations for the people who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing is nearly forty (40) millions, 38,225,590 to be exact who lives in the United States who happens to be Deaf or Hard…
The other day I decided to tune in a news channel on my television to see the latest current events and to see if there is anything new going on in politics especially the United States or the world too. Almost all the news that I caught on the television the other day isn’t so new to me especially with the debates going on for the presidential candidates which is something that I am rarely interested of and then finally there was news that caught my attention after being annoyingly patient watching almost an hour of the news because sometimes I don’t want to miss anything out as I realizes that sometimes when I started watching some news in the beginning that there weren’t anything interesting enough for me to the point that I changed the channel unknowingly that there would be some interesting news on the way within’ few minutes after watching the beginning of the news on television. The news that caught my attention was that the University of Missouri got the students protesting against the University of Missouri because they have radical problems going on around at the University of Missouri campus with their administration especially the systems president Tim Wolfe I believe where the students are saying that there have been some racist incidents going on…
Some of you may know or some of you may not know but in the recent news for the Deaf community is that there is a protest going on against Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (WPSD) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania because some of the students and some alumni have come out in the public saying that the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (WPSD) oppresses the students or anyone else who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing but in general the Deaf community’s natural language American Sign Language (ASL). Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (WPSD) is one of few institutions for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing people, Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf is considered the third institution type of school for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing people where it offers all levels of education such as Grade, Middle and High school in one place for anyone who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing. The students along with the alumni who graduated from Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (WPSD) are very angry with the administrations because they says that they were treated poorly from the administration from WPSD but that isn’t the only problem that the students or alumni have with the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (WPSD) they also have a problem with…