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Category: Gaming

Pokemon Festival in Williamson, Wv.

There is news by none other than Williamson Daily News have announced that the city of Williamson with the approval of the Mayor Calton will be throwing a festival on August, 20th Saturday from 6PM to 10:30PM calling it “Williamson Poke Fest 2016” for everyone who loves playing Pokemon Go game app on iOS or Android devices and that in the city of Williamson will be themed with Pokemon. Tonya Webb brought up the proposal with the idea of Pokemon theme to the mayor of the city Williamson in West Virginia along with the convention and Visitors Bureau so they then came up with the name for the festival calling it “Williamson Poke Fest 2016” which is a good slogan. Everybody is on board with that idea including the resides of Williamson, Wv along with the officials to have Williamson Poke Fest 2016 in Williamson town themed none other than Pokemon because since the launch of Pokemon Go game app several people have come to Williamson town daily just to play Pokemon Go because there is five designated PokeStops where anyone goes to get free items for every five minutes such as Pokemon balls, eggs and more. As for the festival, there will not only be just the people playing the Pokemon Go app to hunt some awesome Pokemon as…

iOS Apps List and Apple.

There are many people who happens to be loyal to Apple, buying their products when they are able to afford and there are a few reasons why the giant mobile industry leading company Apple have a lot of success compares to other companies such as HTC which is owned by Google, series of Moto owned by Motorola or Apple’s long-time rivalry Samsung. To give one of few reasons, Apple products are not cluttered like all of other manufacturers as Apple only carry generations of each products they have such as iPhone, iPod, iPad, Macbook and iMac using their own operating system unlike many of other products that uses somebody’s operating system instead of their own; such as Android. Apple made it easy for the customers by buying each new generations of each products made by Apple rather than having to choose one of too many products made by a company such as Samsung, LG or Motorola while using Android operating software created by Google. I cannot ever understand why any company have to make so many products instead of just one product for every generations like Apple does with their products to make it easier for the customers, only two reasons I could of think is one they want some sort of safety to fall back for themselves, if you…

Tidbits 8, 7/1/2015.

Hey guys how are every one of you doing? I hope that every one of you are doing well and for myself I am doing well so thank you all for asking whether you were going to ask me or not but I ought to go ahead to say that I am doing well in case if some of you do wonder. For the first time I have decided to write an tidbits article in a very long time, this makes it the 8th of tidbits article I am writing and if you don’t know what tidbits are then I would suggest that you type “tidbits” in the search box at the top of the website where it will take you to a few of tidbits articles as there are a couple of them has the description of what is tidbits. In case if some of you are lazy to do so then I will just might as well to explain the basic of what is tidbits here so tidbits is where I write a few different of subjects in one article instead of the alone of subject in an article and in tidbits has different subjects or topics that are being discussed by me with either my opinions or facts depending the subjects or topics I am writing. I…

Stream Your Stuff.

I hope that every one of you have a great day and enjoy whatever it was that every one of you was doing today. For me I enjoyed my day especially going out to a dinner at Cheech’s in Lenore, WV with my mother and my step father Chad for my mom’s Mother Day dinner. We all ordered pizza with half of toppings, pepperoni on one side then other side sausages and pepperoni I am thinking but the pizza were good although the pizza from Cheech’s aren’t my favorite although it is definitely in my top five favorite pizza restaurants. If you are looking for some pizza close to Logan, WV then you should check out Cheech’s restaurant but if you don’t want some pizzas then don’t worry because Cheech’s offers different foods on their menu especially the Italian foods so if you are a fan of Italian foods then this is the restaurant to check out and you can find Cheech’s place on FourSquare which is an excellent app that has a bit more accurate information than the Yelp app although Yelp is more known for adding reviews but when it comes to looking for some information such as ratings, prices, locations etc then FourSquare is the way to go! I have realized that I am starting to get…

Old gaming consoles, miss them?!

Hey folks, first of all of course the opening article I always must say how all of you are doing lately?! I hope that all of you are doing wonderful especially that it is in spring or the summer is nearing which I am sure that most of you are excited and looking forward to the summer. There is something that maybe most of you don’t know besides my mother, I am not looking forward to summer at all because I am no big fan of summer and I am more fan of fall, winter or even spring depending on the degrees outside. The reason behind my disliking the summer is I don’t like to be dripping sweat off my body at all, I guess I am one of the few people who cannot stand the sweats although I do like the activities in summer as long as I am cooled off such as riding four-wheeler and riding four-wheeler keeps me cool off due to winds. I used to love go fishing but for some reason I no longer do because of the heat only because of the sweats but I can stand the heat itself, just not the sweats themselves though and even I am not a fan of the summer I am still looking forward to it because…

Bit of everything – Tidbits 7.

First of all I know I have not written a post here at the blog for lord knows how long, roughly two or three months if I guess it right as I really have not track how long it has been since the last article I written here at JoshiesWorld. So the utter most thing I want to say before I go on to write something, I would like to say that I apologize for keeping all of you in dark for a long time and the reasons for that is I have been extremely busy especially the past month as I was rushed to the hospital to the emergency room only to find out that I was scheduled to have a surgery in the very next day so they had admitted me to a room at the hospital for a night so to have a surgery in the morning. Technically they admits me for more than a night supposedly but I was only willing to stay for a night as I almost refuse to so because the hospital is one of things that I dislike the most so you can imagine my dislike of being admitted to a room at the hospital because I dislike staying at the hospital overnight even more than my dislike for visiting the hospital.…

Depression and it is tidbits 6!

Good evening to every one of you, all my friends! How are all of you doing today and what are you been up to lately? I hope that every one of you are doing well, hopefully better than myself lately and whatever it is that you all have been up to lately I hope that it is nothing trouble because when being in trouble it isn’t always fun although sometimes it can be a bit fun when it comes to trouble depending on some of the situations of course. As usual a few of you know that lately when I write some articles that I always would try to connect with all of you before I start writing some articles, it is because unlike the most of the bloggers I always make sure that I involve every one of you and using my time to interact with all of you due that reasons of growth or successes of JoshiesWorld wasn’t done only by myself but every one of you all. If it wasn’t for all of your help in growth and successes for JoshiesWorld then it is a possibility that I wouldn’t have any confidence in myself to be a blogger and devote as much as time I can to write some of interesting articles for all of readers. Before…

Watch Dogs is a must to get!

Lately I haven’t play much of the video games ever since my mother bought me Microsoft Xbox One for Christmas for the past of the month although when I first got the Microsoft Xbox One I have played some of the games for several hours daily until recently that made my schedules tighter than the way it used to be. Ever since I got Microsoft Xbox One for Christmas from my mother, I have played a few of the games such as Madden 25, Forza 5, Needs for Speed Rival, Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, Call of Duty: Ghost, Battlefield 4 and Raiders: Definitive but I play Forza 5 and Raiders: Definitive the most because usually when a new gaming console came out there isn’t many games for the new gaming systems which is the downside of buying the new gaming console that had just been released such as Microsoft Xbox One and Sony Playstation 4 but I have not yet got myself Sony Playstation 4 although in the future I will be since I collects every gaming consoles but I got Microsoft Xbox One because I am a fan of Xbox and I choose Xbox over any of other gaming consoles including Sony Playstation. I know that by saying something like this are going to lure some of the arguments…

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