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Category: MultiTopics

8-8-2019 Snippets

Time for other snippets where I will share some opinions, some sort of reviews, sharing some little things about some things and as well talking about some stuff but in short as possible instead of a full-blown article on one subject. In case if you are new and don’t know what snippets article are all about, it is more than one topic in an article instead of only one article on one subject so that it can give you the readers something more to read in one place rather than going one by one for each topic that may interest you. I know I haven’t written anything in a pretty long time ever since the last article came out about exposing a Deaf person’s social security which you can find it here, I have been so busy and when I finally had the time to write some I ends up having some problem with my health (nothing major), then recovered and then got so busy and repeats so I almost couldn’t find any time to write. Even right now I am having a little hard time dealing with my right rib for some reason but I thought that I better just start writing before I keep you all too long waiting for something new from me and I figured that…

4-26-2019 Snippets

I am hoping that the day is going well so far for you all, as that we are now in the spring season and that is my least favorite season of all the seasons for one or a couple of reasons. For past a month or a couple of months I have been trying to find or think of something to write about but I couldn’t come up with something or it is that I have been very busy lately. Well, it is more than I have been busy lately because ever since the beginning of last month March I have started doing something that I never have did and that is doing something that I have always wanted to but never did so because of a few reasons which I will be sharing in one of my snippets below but before I get into it I want to let all of you know this that I am grateful for your patience and support that you have given to JoshiesWorld or me. It means a lot to me, really and please continue doing so because you all are my motivation otherwise I really wouldn’t have a reason to continue or try to continue especially after doing something as this drastic that I did for the past month. 4-26-2019 Snippets Alright,…

1-16-2019 Snippets

Joshie is back, blogging again and not only just that but also has redesigned the website! I know I haven’t properly written a blog post in a very long time, for many reasons that I rather keep it private, along with the holidays which usually when the people get busy especially during the Christmas time to shop for the presents and getting ready for the New Year Eve or New Year. For several months I have been struggling to find some free time to blog, not just blog but also to maintain several other websites and try to keep up with a few projects that I have going so it has been a hectic time for me lately, so I barely have any time for anything. Since that Christmas is done, New Year is done and now this is the time when people usually either relax or go back to work but, in my case, it is when the time that I relax which is why I can find the time to write this blog post. There are a lot of things that I would like to share on several different topics. 1-2019 Snippets So, let me start off with some of topics that I would like to share and to give you something to talk about by leaving comments…

8-15-2018 Snippets

No long time see here, I know I haven’t written a blog post in a very long time, specifically about 2 and half months to three months as the last time I have made a blog post were in April. I know I made a blog post last week but that doesn’t really count it because that was only a very short blog post to inform you all that I was sorry for not being able to write anything for that long due to health reasons and I am still dealing with that but I felt that where I have not written anything for that long that I should do something about it so I am doing something about it here. As for my health issues, I still won’t share any details because it is private matters but I can say that it is something to stop me from writing and still is but I have an idea that I should just write a few sentences and whatnot then take a break so not to put too much pressure on myself. Nonetheless, there are a few or maybe a lot of things that I would like to share with all of you and I hope that all of you will enjoy the new snippets article that I am writing today…

2-26-2018 Snippets

No long time I have written an article for the blog! I know that many of you have taken a notice that I am no longer active in blogosphere, you have noticed that correct and I have some reasons behind why I haven’t written an article for a blog in a long time. I believe last time I wrote an article for the blog on the first week of February, but it was really more of an open letter to a person or a company, in that case it was for a company and it was written to Google about their new policy on YouTube which is owned by Google about their requirements for YouTube users. Here is a link to the open letter for you to read if you would like to or you can easily find it by going to the front page of this blog and look for the title called “Google, Reconsider YouTube Requirements”. Long story short, Google decided to change their policy for YouTube users with new requirements or criteria to be eligible to monetize their videos on their YouTube channel(s). Because of that new policy, anyone who was able to monetize their videos before the new requirements went into effective on February 20 have lost the ability to monetize their videos and only way…

12-28-2017 Snippets

How has it been going with you all? I hope that everything is all well with you all! As for me, all is well except that I am suffering with no internet for several hours now since this early morning and only theory I have for the internet not having any connection is that today is the coldest weather we have had so far this year as it is about 10 degree outside so I suspect that for some reason their cable or their system doesn’t resist the frigid cold that well. Unless there is a car accident somewhere down the road, but I am certain that there isn’t because I still have television and not only that I also have no internet connection on my cell phone, so it isn’t just my broadband internet that is down but also my cellular data is down too. That means that I absolutely have no internet whatsoever, from broadband internet to cellular data and this is frustrating me because usually at this time of the day I would be watching something on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime for few of hours before I head out to bed, so it is screwing with my daily routine. Since I have no internet whatsoever, I figured that I would might as well write an article…

Merry Christmas 2017!

Hey you all! This is Joshie writing here, there is nothing more than me wanting to tell you a very Merry Christmas and so Merry Christmas to you all! ‘Tis the season that every one of us cherish with our family and friends which is the most important thing about Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! Christmas isn’t the only thing that we celebrate with our family and friends, we also celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! Nothing is more fun than the Christmas tradition that we carry through many generations of ours, opening Christmas presents and have vast amounts of foods for us to pick to put on our plates until our stomach cannot take them anymore! I can remember how excited I would get when the Christmas day arrives at age of a child, looking forward to celebrating Christmas with the family and open the presents besides the Christmas tree that we decorated while being surrounded my family. It was one of these moments that I treasure more than ever, as every Christmas I would visit my grandmother’s house on my mother’s side and seeing the grounds that was nothing but tons of snow. Spending several hours from early afternoon until it was dark out, spending my time with my grandparents, my mother, my aunt and my uncles with…

11-24-2017 Snippets

No long time see you since I last wrote an article, on fourth (4th) of this month November! But I am back to write another article, snippets article once again and I have a couple of topics that I would like to share my thoughts on. Before I go ahead with this article, I must ask how all of you are and how was your Thanksgiving yesterday?! Did you have a great feast?! Thanksgiving holiday always give us people a good excuse to stuff our stomach with a lot of foods because usually on Thanksgiving we get to have all kinds of foods that we only see once a year especially in numbers of foods that is being served and a great excuse for some people to take a power nap because turkey always makes us sleepy after stuffing our faces with it. Thanksgiving is not only an excuse for a feast but also a good excuse for family and friend’s gatherings especially in numbers as well – we had over 14 people under our roof yesterday for Thanksgiving which broke the record of how many people we had for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, they weren’t mine and my mother’s family as they were Chad’s family; Chad is my mother’s boyfriend for close to twenty years. Mine and my mother’s family are…

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