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Category: MultiTopics

Sept 30, 2016 Tidbits

So we are going to have a few topics to read here, well more for all of you guys to read since I am the one who will be writing them but I also read my own anyway to triple check everything, although keep in mind that even though I may be telling you some facts and some true stories tonight but tomorrow, next week, next month or next year may change as we know that the stories or facts keeps on changing when there is something new information. That is one thing that I dislike about blogging, when I double checks the facts and the sources that happens to confirms my information that I will be giving then in the future that my information that I gave had been changed or edited. Any valuable information that sounds too good to be true, I have always provided sources to them to confirm the information that I have written on my blog or on any websites that I own or is on and I have done that since the day I launched JoshiesWorld back in the year of 2007 in August although I took a break by shutting down JoshiesWorld back in the year of 2010 through 2011 I believe or 2009 through 2010. Regardless I follows a few ethnic of…

Tidbits 9-10-’16

Here we are again, by now I have no idea how many tidbits articles I have written as I have lost the counts although I do know that I have written more than ten tidbits by now and that is a decent numbers for tidbits articles considering that I have started writing the tidbits late in last year. Maybe if you look at the number, ten that it seems a very small number and somewhat it is but it is pretty a lot to me because I have written over three hundred articles on here. If I am to combine my other blogs or on a few local news media I have written over a thousand articles and that is exhausting. When it comes to blogging or write a piece, it somewhat mess with your head a bit because it tends to exhaust your thinking and gives you a bit of headache because for any bloggers who is passionate in blogging does more than just writing whatever that comes to their mind. Every day I have to keep up with news, check with some of the people everyday and the likes then do a research to make sure that whatever I am to share my opinion on certain topics is valid because I don’t want to not knowing the depth…

Tidbits 8-31-16

There are going to be a few of topics that I would like to share my opinions, my thoughts and along with some of the things that few of you may not know. As for some of you who checks my blog daily knows by now that the tidbits article intend to be a long reading article but if some of you are new or have just started reading my blog, by definition for the word “tidbits” says; a choice or pleasing bit of anything, as news or gossip. So you should get the picture, that it means there will be a few or many topics and not just one topic for an article and tidbits article are usually more entertaining or interesting to read instead of an article about one topic so to give you something more to read. As for me personally, I like to read articles that discuss on a few topics than just one topic because when it comes to writing or reading an article on one topic only they intends to be too short and as some of you know me, I am very talkative so tidbits article coming from me would be no surprise to some of you. If you are new or unaware that I have written a good numbers of tidbits article,…

Tidbits 8-17-16

There are a few of topics that I would like to discuss about with you today, as some of you know that I write tidbits article here now and then so you should know that sometimes that a tidbits article can get long because where the definition for tidbit means that it is a bit of anything. So it will be more than just one topic instead of one topic, I think that sometimes it is better writing about a few of topics instead of just one topic because it can get a bit boring and not only that I am somewhat talkative so obviously it’s fitting for me as I don’t like writing or talking about just one topic or one of something. If you ever think of a word for something that you would like to discuss or share your opinions about few or several topics than just one topic then now you know that there is a word and that is tidbits. Tidbit is in the dictionary so you can easily find the definition for the word “Tidbit” on some search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo and tidbits are more interesting to read than just reading one topic because some of the people likes to read about a few of topics than just one thing so…

Tidbits 8/5/2016

I bet that some of you misses my tidbits article right?! I know some of you do and I sometimes do miss writing some tidbits article because they allows me to discuss or share my opinions on more than one topics and not just one topic alone which can be very boring on some days but nonetheless I have decided that I have kept all of you waiting for too long for a new tidbits article so here it is once again. First before I get into it, I want to apologize for having all of you waiting forever for a new tidbits article from me and a few reasons that I haven’t written a tidbits article for a very while. I have been very busy with many things such as the fact that it is summer so many of you know that summer usually is when everybody goes out doing some activities and enjoy their summer around with their family or friends somewhere on vacations as most usually do but for me I have been almost too busy to do anything that I would like or usually do. From the beginning of the summer I started seeing an ex of mine whom I loved for several years since we both were pre-teenagers which that means younger than the age…

Tidbits 2/14/2016.

Here we are at it again, as in the last article I have promised all of my readers that I will be writing another tidbits sooner than expected or usual and I have a few topics that I would like to talk about with some of you if you don’t mind. I will try my best to make this one tidbits article to be shorter but a few more topics than the usual, where I tend to write long paragraph for each topics and this time I am going to try to write shorter paragraph for each topics so to not make it time-consuming although I do know that some of you like some long readings but I am somewhat in a rush myself. Why rush? It is nearing my bed time and the decision to write this tidbits article is at spur of the time but are you ready? Should I begin? Okay here we go. Tidbits 2/14/2016 Hope some of you will be happy with the topics that I am writing in here and I would like to remind all of you that if there are any topics you would like to see me to share my views/opinions on you are more than welcome to send in your suggestions for the topics for me to share my views/opinions…

Tidbits (2/8/2016).

Forgive me as I haven’t written a tidbits article in a very long time as it seems and the reason for that is because either that I have been very busy due to my hectic schedules or don’t have enough of topics for it to be a tidbits article. As some of you know that tidbits article has more than one topic which that tends to make it a long article for the readers to read and to my knowledge there are many readers here at likes tidbits because it involves more than just one topic which can get boring sometimes as tidbits article has more than one topic so that means something more to read for the readers. Every now and then I like reading long articles but that depends on what it’s about, if it’s tidbits article then that is the kind of long reading article that I like but if just one topic but a very long article to read can be boring sometimes unless the bloggers know how to keep the readers interested without allow the long article of only one topic to become boring. In case if you never have or don’t know what tidbits article are I suggest you to head over on at the top above here to look for a search…

Tidbits 12/4/2015.

Since from the last article I wrote on here titled “Happy Thanksgiving” the other day, on day of Thanksgiving so I can safely assume that every one of you had a great thanksgiving? Mine was great although I don’t really celebrate thanksgiving as much as I would used to several years ago which I have mentioned my reasons in that blogs post. For today’s blog post I will be writing tidbits which I know I have not written tidbits article in a great while and I believe that the last time I wrote tidbits article was in September so it has been a while. I believe it is due for me to write the tidbits once again since I know some of you love reading tidbits since almost every tidbits I wrote received the most views than the other articles I wrote. In case if you are new reader here, to get a better understanding what exactly tidbits are about I suggest that you search some tidbit articles on here which you can do so by typing the word “tidbits” in the search box at the top of the website then it will bring you a list of tidbit articles for you to read and know that tidbits article can be a very long to read because tidbit involves several…

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