Hey guys! How are things going with you all over there? I am doing well over here and thank you guys for asking! I hope that all of you had a great day and I am sure that some of you are probably partying out tonight or getting ready to party out tonight as it is Saturday which is the day that people often go out clubbing or to the bars with some friends or with their spouses. I am no longer a partying type myself, well of course I still do party but I never have partied at the clubs or bars as I have only partied at some birthday parties including few years of my own, some dances every and now at middle school or high school when I was still in school which that makes me miss school a bit. Some of the people are saying that we are entering the era where it becomes very hard to find a girlfriend or boyfriend, I believe that’s true as I realized lately that not many of the people being able to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend including myself but relationship searching services such as Tinder or Match begs differ about entering the era where people can barely find anyone to be with. Of course we probably will…
Category: Opinions
Seriously most of you guys got it made easy, most of you have privileges whether it be from your generations, your backgrounds and the record that you have done all of your lives. Now as for Deaf or Hard of Hearing people and you both have same privileges that you use at your advantage of getting something such as a job, Deaf or Hard of Hearing will have to double the efforts trying to be hired by somebody or at somewhere while the hearing person doesn’t; It’s almost guaranteed that the hearing person would be hired in a heartbeat while the Deaf or Hard of Hearing people wouldn’t even get a chance for an interview. That’s how the society is, if the hearing person has one associate degree while the Deaf or Hard of Hearing have two PhD, three masters, two bachelor degrees, the company or someone would immediately hire the one with an associate degree over the person who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing that has several degrees including PhD, Bachelor and masters they still would prefer to hire that one hearing person who have associate degree while not bothering to give the person who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing with very higher education along with rich knowledge or skills in a position that they were looking…
Every Americans have the rights to freedom of speech, that has been a problem with social media lately because everyone is trying to enforce other people to vote their preferred presidential candidates or shoot down their opinions on each presidential candidates just because they thinks that their opinions is the only matters when they aren’t even come close to true as everyone’s opinion do matters. I can understand that when it comes to anyone talking about presidential candidates for the President Of The United States next year when Barrack Obama packs his things and leaves the office for good due to law that no president of the united states can run more than two terms of presidency which is four years per term. What bothers me more than anything is that I get to see a lot of adults not allowing young people such as teenagers even if they aren’t old enough to vote but they have the right to freedom of speech and do so you but the problem is that you abuse that by trying to make it known that your opinion is more matter than any other opinions which is a foolish thing to do. Understandably the election is obviously, sensitive thing to talk about as politics become almost sensitive as discussing about religious and that isn’t…
I bet that some of you misses my tidbits article right?! I know some of you do and I sometimes do miss writing some tidbits article because they allows me to discuss or share my opinions on more than one topics and not just one topic alone which can be very boring on some days but nonetheless I have decided that I have kept all of you waiting for too long for a new tidbits article so here it is once again. First before I get into it, I want to apologize for having all of you waiting forever for a new tidbits article from me and a few reasons that I haven’t written a tidbits article for a very while. I have been very busy with many things such as the fact that it is summer so many of you know that summer usually is when everybody goes out doing some activities and enjoy their summer around with their family or friends somewhere on vacations as most usually do but for me I have been almost too busy to do anything that I would like or usually do. From the beginning of the summer I started seeing an ex of mine whom I loved for several years since we both were pre-teenagers which that means younger than the age…
Some of you may already know what AdBlock is but for some those of you who have no clue what is AdBlock, for those of you who have no clue about AdBlock or what it is all about then please stop reading this article because you are the reason that we bloggers and some of the others such as YouTubers (YouTube Users), people who owns websites that runs such as bulletin messages board (forum), personal website (biography, info-media, etc) or the likes but generally for who owns website regardless what they uses them for continue to keeping up with their websites. Especially for us bloggers who provides contents such as articles to you at no cost and YouTubers keeps uploading awesome videos on regular basis to their YouTube channels because our works gets paid for you without you having to pay to read some of our articles on our weblogs or watch some of our videos on our YouTube channel(s). That is right, I said it that our works gets paid for you without you having to pay to read any articles that we have written and any videos that we have uploaded to our channels on YouTube. How? You can thank advertisements that you sees on our weblogs, websites or our videos on YouTube as advertisements through certain publishing/advertising…