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Category: Opinions

Dropbox, excellent cloud!

Almost there are several people who have started going digital instead of physical especially when it comes to storing some of the files such as images, videos, audio, documents etc to a storage as the technology especially in United States has drastically improved now that everyone can almost control everything through smartphone or a tablet. Several years ago before the technology booming every one of us had to physically store our files in cabinet with a locker to prevent our valuable files being stolen, then two geniuses invented computers (Microsoft and Apple) with physical hard drives where we could store our valuable files to our hard drives on our computers with a lock using either a pin code or password and now the technology has gone even further more than ever as somebody invented another way to store our files using any devices we could get our hands on so that we wouldn’t have to rely on computers to just store our valuable things to our hard drives anymore and that is called cloud storage – or more so clouding server. We now be able to store our files to a cloud server where we can have an access to it anywhere as long as there is internet connection by using some of the devices such as smartphone, tablet, laptop…

Gymkhana With ’65 Mustang.

I would love to write a whole a lot about some of the vehicles because they are one of my favorite things on this earth, especially when it comes to my all-time favorite vehicle Mustang made by Ford and especially my years of Mustang which is the year of 60s. I am thinking about to write an article with a bit of history on the Ford Mustang however I have no time for that today because I am somewhat in hurry, as I was browsing through some of the videos on a popular media sharing website YouTube to kill this very little free time of mine and I have come across a video where it caught my attention while at same time I felt a bit of disrespected at least especially for Ford company on their Mustang. The video that I have come across is a video of Gymkhana with Ken Block who is a rally driver which I am sure that some of you know that he has done several gymkhana videos as almost every one of them went viral and of course every Gymkhana videos starring Ken Block is always entertaining to watch… Until this one that I came across a video which is the 7th gymkhana that Ken Block has done that I am somewhat unsure of,…

Blogging With Pay.

For some of you know one of my few hobbies that I love very much doing which is blogging and if you ask what is it, blogging is where you would write any kinds of topics online that you’d like to share by publishing your written articles or posts to millions of the people in worldwide. Blogger are practically writer, journalist, author or other names you could think of but only way to be a blogger is to write articles or posts on regular basis online and no it doesn’t mean that if you’re writing some topics on a physical paper qualify you a blogger even they are the same thing but the only difference is online and offline. I have blogged for several years now, ever since the year of 2007 which is the birth date of JoshiesWorld and I blog for a living. There are thousands of bloggers so it is a lot of work because it means that I have thousands of competitors where I would have to try to rank up some of my niches as possible I can that some of the bloggers already own, such as if your niche is electronics then you google that word “electronics” you would see millions of searches so the challenge is whoever own that top 10 niche or…

Comments Spammers Idiots!

I know how frustrating it is to being a blogger who have to handle hundreds if not thousands of spams in the comments section which it can get way overwhelming sometimes, it is one of downside for being a blogger because you would always want to make sure that no spammers gets by you with sneaking in commenting your blogs with some of the comments that seems to be not a spam so that can fool our anti-spam machine that we have installed our blogs such as Akismet or other spams blocker plugins. Even the spammers don’t only be able to fool the anti-spam machines, they are able to somehow get through the recaptcha machine which is hosted by the number one search engines Google and it makes it even more frustrating for some of us as bloggers. If some of you think that these spammed comments are actually being posted by the visitors on your article/post then you are mistaken because someone have built a brilliant software that allows the people to send out spammed comments to multiply blogs at once including mine, yours and many of other bloggers. If you are wondering what is the name of the software so that you can do a search engine up on it to get an idea of what is the…

Exploiting Deaf’s Language.

I don’t know if you have heard of a couple of people who is Tina and Paul Sirimacro who are known for SignALong all over on the internet where they would interpret some of the songs using American Sign Language, a language used by the deaf and hard of hearing. They have a few of videos on YouTube that translate the lyrics of songs into American Sign Language to entertain the deaf community which is a great thing because it helps the deaf or hard of hearing people to know the lyrics in some of the songs that they like because they obviously can’t hear music but they can feel the music by vibration especially from subwoofer so being deaf or hard of hearing doesn’t mean that they can’t enjoy some music to dance. While it is a great thing to help the deaf community by offering some of the songs in American Sign Language by Tina and Paul Sirimacro but at same time they are hurting the deaf community more than they ever will know because the only reason that they are doing the songs with American Sign Language is to get the money to pay for their wedding. They are exploiting the deaf community/culture’s language at their benefit which that has upset thousands people in the deaf community,…

Football nearing, are we ready?!

Hey guys! How are every one of you been doing lately and what have you been up to lately? I hope that all of you aren’t getting in too much of trouble especially that it is labor day this week because a lot of people who likes to enjoy some buzz from drinking alcohol on labor day as usual especially on the weekend which we have to watch out for a few of people who drinks while driving. It is understood that some of the people like celebrating the labor day with a buzz from alcohol but please don’t drive a vehicle afterward because it wouldn’t only harm just you but everyone else, so for anyone who don’t drink please be careful when some of you are driving on the road because you never know that you may bump into somebody who’s drunk while driving and for those of you who like to celebrate with drinks then please have a designated driver or call a cab to safely transport yourself to home so that everyone can enjoy their labor day instead of turning their labor day into bad day with accidents! I have been busy lately although a lot of more things piling up on my plates that I have to do which is a lot for me and at…

MSN Messenger Is Out!

Hey guys, I know I haven’t been writing some articles lately although I announced that the last week that it is possible that I would be taking a break from blogging as in general so it is not only here because for some reason my brain wasn’t functioning well like it used to be. When I say my brain isn’t functioning well like it used to be I mean that I have been out of ideas on what to write about or on something because I have written so many that I ran out of ideas for what to write about or on and I am still out of ideas on what to write about or on but I decided that I am going to try to push myself to write an article about something because I don’t want to leave all of you hanging for too long as I have missed you all. Keep that in mind that I still will change my schedule or more so my method on blogging because if I write several articles a week that will cause me to empty out of some ideas to write so what I will do is write an article when I finally have an idea what to write about or on which that can be daily, one every…

Education is it that important?

Hey guys, how are every one of you doing? Doing anything that’s fun lately have you? I am doing just fine, just very busy lately and sometimes it’s no fun when it comes being busy although there are some fun in being busy depending on what you are doing that makes you busy but busy isn’t always fun. I have done a lot of searching lately while at same time trying to reach out for some help through social media because I need some of the ideas to write about something or on something but I have nothing and I am assuming that everybody else couldn’t come up with some of the ideas for me to write about something or on something for today’s article or they didn’t see my help message through social media asking for some help. It’s getting harder to come up with something to write an article about something or on something that it’s not even funny anymore because it’s very stressful for me and I have thought lately that it is possible that I will be taking a bit break of blogging for at least a week at the most so to see if that helps me to come up with some of the ideas to write about in the next article unless any one…

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