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Category: Travels and Adventures

Sunday little ride – 4/11/10.

As later today, I will be riding in Blackberry, KY in varies of mountains and hoping to choose the best trail out of these different trails in BlackBerry, KY. I and we will be heading out in the afternoon, hopefully. So it should be fun, I and Dalton will stop by to see my sister and my father for very few of minutes before we head to the mountains since my father’s house is located before the trail we are trying out. Although, I have tried there before but Dalton hasn’t, so I am going to show him around as much as I can remember because when I was just only kid with a little ATV, my father used to take me there along with him on his old four wheeler and he showed me around. It was only little trip though because my little ATV didn’t have big enough of tank to have all gas in to travel longer, now that I own two big four wheelers with several gallons of gasoline now it’s going to be definitely longer trip for me to take a look around further. I have everything ready, only one thing I have to do is to fill the rest gas up in my new 2010 Polaris, although my tank is about 3/4 or close…

Joshies Birthday Party.

I have decided the date and the location for my birthday party which is settled on March 20, Saturday. If any of you that are close to me or personally know who I am especially that are new friends to me wants to come to the birthday party of mine then please ask me for the date and the location. Only who has me on MySpace or Facebook and soon to be in Forum are welcome to private message/mail me to ask me for the information about the party. If you are planning on to bring one or couple of your friends or your date then please mention to me. Remember, this is not just a whole party. It is my birthday. Hope some of you have the time to come and wish me a happy birthday and spend the times with me! P.S. Everyone who are just friends with me from online and such. I will have videos and pictures to post for you all to look and watch. Hopefully, it would turns out to be a good time and fun!

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