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Category: Travels and Events

Victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas

My thoughts are with you all, I know I have wished you all well on social media several days ago but I feel that I want to maximize my areas in reaching out to the people especially who are victims by one of the worst hurricane named Harvey by writing this article for both of my blog on here and over at I have some people who reads my message on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google plus and others but my blog has the most readers than these so this is the reason I feel the need to do this so to make sure that my wish and my thoughts are received by everyone that I have. I have looked at horror pictures and videos all over of the hurricane Harvey that hit the people of Texas in several cities. The hurricane Harvey did not defeat you of these people who is victims of Harvey, you stand still bravely through the Hurricane Harvey and survived by defeating one of the worst hurricanes in the United States. Yes, unfortunately there are numbers of people who’s the hurricane Harvey took lives and my heart ache for the families of these people whose life were taken by the Harvey. I have already donated funds to some organizations including…

Snippets 6-17-2017

So here I am, blogging again for once in a long while since I haven’t written an article for a few weeks and I have been preoccupied lately to a point that I could rarely find any time to do something that I enjoy doing. As you know, we are now in summer which is usually that time a lot of people would be off to somewhere on vacations and this is one of few reasons that a lot of bloggers aren’t as active as they usually be in fall, winter, and spring seasons. Every website has statistics that the owners of the website(s) can check, almost every website receives the lowest traffic during in the summer and the most traffic that all websites get is usually in winter. Because in summer, a lot of people is out on vacations and the lowest usage of the internet is in the summer as well, because not many of people is at their home using the internet and even that a lot of us have smartphone or tablets with internet; the statistics still shows that the lowest internet usage is in the summer. It is interesting and it is good thing because it shows that some people can at least lives outside of the internet. Anyway, usually in every article I would…

5-30-2017 Quick Tidbits

How did the memorial weekend and day go for you all? I hope that you all had fun over the weekend, today and that all of us are safe considering that memorial weekends are known for an event when a lot of the people would party too much that involves alcohol. Driving while drunk is one of the most stupid thing ever in my opinion, so I hope that if all of you didn’t do that and calls a cab or have somebody as your designated driver to take you home safely. As for me, I never celebrate Memorial Day because I don’t like the idea of celebrating in memory of somebody or something that had happened in the past and it can make me sad. I look at it as negative, I mean how can you bring yourself to party and involves alcohol to celebrate for Memorial Day when it is really in memory of the bad things that had happened to the human beings whether it be family, friends, or strangers? Anyway, I know I haven’t blogged in several weeks and I apologize for that. Not to long ago I wrote an article stating that I was pretty much getting burnt out with blogging and that I am to reduce my activity in blog for the time being…

Happy Mother’s Day 2017

I would like to personally wish the most important person on this earth, my mother a very happy mother’s day and that I am very thankful for everything she has done for me past these thirty years since she has become a mother to an only child which is myself – a child that thinks the world of her and looks up to her since this child opened his eyes for the first time after birth.

My mom has never stops her persistence in taking care of me for over thirty years and two months to make sure that I have everything that I need especially the essentials. Such as the roof over me, air conditioning and heating to keep myself cool or warm during both summer and winter; clothes on my back and foods on the table for me to eat everyday. Taking me to my doctor appointments to make sure that I am taken care of, this includes having to take me to Cincinnati to a children hospital every 2-3 years until I become a teenager, never leaving the hospital every time that I had to be admitted such as when I had undergone one of the most major surgery I have had ever went through, my back from my neck to my tailbone and when I broke my femur in half in my right leg my mother drove me to the hospital herself because she wouldn’t want to waste another minute for the ambulance. I have never truly see any mothers that takes as this tremendous care and responsibility without any hesitation for a child as my mother do for me.

Turning 30, Happy 30th Birthday!

Happy 30th birthday to, can you guess whose birthday today? Moi! I have just turned thirty (30) years old, it feels like I am eighty years old or somewhere around that age and becoming thirty years old is a milestone which some calls it real adulthood. Some people sees eighteen or twenty-one years old is the age that they enter the adulthood, which it may be true that becoming twenty-one years old is becoming an adult but truly an adulthood? I don’t see that way as I went through it obviously, I never felt or really recognized as a fully adult when I turned twenty-one years old as a lot of people have told me that I am young and some children thinks that becoming eighteen is to be an adult – not true. What really happens when turns eighteen is that you are given some privileges, being able to buy some tobaccos and to be able to make your own choice for what you want to do with your life. But becoming adult? No, at least not here in the United States because you won’t get full freedoms and full controls of your life especially from your parents which I have learned that the hard way after finding out that my so-called father went behind my back to file…

2-12-2017 Tidbits

I know I haven’t written a blog post for several days, more than a week now since the last blog post that I wrote were February 4th and I apologize for that. I just couldn’t find the time to write a blog post past several days, it has been time-consuming for me lately with other projects that I am working on and it is overwhelming to the point that I rarely find any time to sleep because the later I get the shorter sleep I will get. I barely find the time to keep up with the news that is going on around here in the United States and in other countries so that means I hardly had the chance to come up with some of the topics to share my opinions or my thoughts on news this past week. After the summer last year, my schedules became so messy to the point where I barely know what tasks I think I can complete and what tasks I must dismiss to complete some of other tasks especially the ones I consider more important than others. I believe that one or two blog posts earlier I have stated that I would try to write more blog posts than I have been since the summer last year, it is obvious that I…

Happy Birthday Mom

This is just a personal quick post, as I would like to publicly wish my mother a happy birthday so I wish you a very happy birthday mom and I hope that you enjoy a new chapter in your life journey as every age turns are a new chapter. You are a mother that I am very lucky to have, not some other mothers and without you I wouldn’t be here. You are the most important person in my life, more than anything and anybody in the world. You are amazing, simply the best mother and nothing or nobody can ever take that away from you. You are my life, you are my soul and you are my everything. You truly deserve everything and more than anything that anybody asks for. Every time I am down you are always there to cheers me on, every time I am worried about something you are always there to assure me that there is nothing to be worried about and when I am hurt you always find a way to take the pain away. I know I may sound a bit corny but every word I have said I mean it, you have care for me more than anybody on this earth ever did for me and every hurdle I went through you…

1-5-2017 Tidbits

Hey guys and women! I see that a lot of the people starts getting back to their routines, back to work, some adults being sent back to the colleges and some children being sent back to schools which I am sure that some of the parents are a bit happy about that since with their children being sent back to school would give them a little relief or some room to breathe after trying to handle these wild children for a couple of the weeks due to Christmas break. My mother is a special aide at a middle school as she has been for more than a decade or two, she assists the children with some kinds of special needs and I think she has worked for so many years so I sometimes would ask her to retire so that I could have my mother at home without having to worry about if something was to happen to her there. For some reason, as the years goes by I starts getting more worried over her going to work because I believe that if she is to retire that she would have much less risks to her health and by retiring I believe that she will continue to be very healthy as she is now. When my aunt broke her ankle…

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