I have decided the date and the location for my birthday party which is settled on March 20, Saturday. If any of you that are close to me or personally know who I am especially that are new friends to me wants to come to the birthday party of mine then please ask me for the date and the location. Only who has me on MySpace or Facebook and soon to be in Forum are welcome to private message/mail me to ask me for the information about the party. If you are planning on to bring one or couple of your friends or your date then please mention to me. Remember, this is not just a whole party. It is my birthday. Hope some of you have the time to come and wish me a happy birthday and spend the times with me! P.S. Everyone who are just friends with me from online and such. I will have videos and pictures to post for you all to look and watch. Hopefully, it would turns out to be a good time and fun!
Joshua Sullivan
Blogger, Journalist, Reviewer, Photographer (Joshie's Photography), and Content Creator.Hello everyone who visits JoshiesWorld and among others! I would like to say this that on March 18 is my birthday, and it is coming up rather quick than I expect! I will be twenty three, seems like I am getting old. Once you turned in 20s age, you will notice the years are flying! It’s because you are getting old. If anything that you want to wish me happy birthday, I will be making post a day before or on the day of my birthday post for you to leave a comment to wish me happy birthday! I really wish that I am still young, younger than 18 at least. I never forget how joyful I had when I was under 18, it was best years for me. I guess since I am in 20s now, I hope I will make the 20s years best as possible but it’s not doing any good so far. Anyway, the purpose of this post is just simply to tell you that my birthday is on March 18 and I am turning age of 23. My body is getting rustier every day! I hope you have a good day or night. Don’t do something I wouldn’t do!
That’s right, my friend. I have integrated JoshiesWorld to work for mobile. If you have a cell phone but no computer/laptop around you and you would like to continue to read blogs and updates for news of mine. Indeed, JoshiesWorld will work on cell phone. There is NO specific url to go mobile mode of JoshiesWorld. All you have to do is just type “joshiesworld.com” or “www.joshiesworld.com” just same way you do for your internet browser! Enjoy mobile mode of JoshiesWorld on your cell phone. If you encounter errors while in mobile mode, please do report by leaving some comments under this post and I will look into to solve the errors as possible. Hope you have easier way to use JoshiesWorld anywhere.:) I am excited, indeed.
I have been listening to this song for almost an hour and figured in case if any of you haven’t heard to this song that are released by Gorillaz! They are still good from their first album to today! Click a video below to give it a play and listen also watch the video. Enjoy.
Hello everyone. Good morning to you all, as today I am currently thinking what I am going to do about JoshiesWorld, meanwhile I am doing that I just want to say good morning to you all and I hope that all of you have a good day! I am looking forward to make JoshiesWorld live again, it is tough to get all ideas back onto JoshiesWorld because I haven’t worked on websites or get all ideas and merge into a website of my own. So patient will get me somewhere! If you have any ideas what should be add-on to JoshiesWorld, please feel free to leave a comment below and I will look into it and maybe make it happen since I am pretty much out of several ideas that I had on here before!
Hello everyone. As you see this. You guess it right, JoshiesWorld is back and alive again! As you see that this website are currently plain and small. Don’t worry, because it is currently under construction. I am working on to fresh start everything for once and all because previous JoshiesWorld.com was a real mess with several errors flying around. As I am learning as the days go and hopefully that I will catch every error that comes to attention for me to fix. But meanwhile, welcome back! I am still alive yet! I am planning on to work to bring the forums back so all fans of JoshiesWorld can communicate again with Joshie. Importantly, I want to thank you all for having me to reconsider my retirement. I now won’t retire and I am back as web developing.