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MultiTopics 9-30-2024

I hope that every one of you is doing well! I have not written an article in a long while, especially with more than a topic. I went through two holidays, I believe, which were Christmas and New Year. Many things have been happening around here that I could barely find any time to write an article or a review, especially amid these holidays and having to go to a few appointments or meetings – quite a lot in a short time! But here I am writing a new article for once. However, this article will take some time to complete and publish. When I write an article with more than one topic, I always take the time because I write for each topic at a time. Hopefully, some topics might be interesting for you to read, and as well, having something that you can read for a while or only read a topic, then take a break and come back to read another topic!

As some of you know, I have called two different titles for an article like this, one with more than one topic, such as tidbits, and then I renamed it to snippets. After getting feedback from some people suggesting that it should have a better title than snippets and that the title should make more sense for those articles, I agree.

MultiTopics 9-30-2024

The new title for articles like this, which have more than one topic, is no longer snippets; it is now MultiTopics. I hope this title makes more sense to you and tells you what kind of article this would be. The title is now pretty much explanatory for what kind of article this would be. If you think something else should be called instead of MultiTopics, please comment below and suggest a word or two that defines covering all topics in one place.

As always, I’ve included below a list of the topics for this MultiTopics article. To see the list of the topics, press/click “show topics list,” and that will open up a list of the topics in this article. It’s a great way for you to know what topics are in this article and also for you to pick which topic to read by pressing/clicking on the topic, or you can always read a few topics now and then come back to read the rest of the topics! In the topics list below, you can right-click on a specific topic and then click “copy link address” to share with others about that topic by pasting the link address you copied from the topics list below. That will allow them to go to that topic directly instead of a link for the entire article.

How have I been?!

I have some good days and bad days, just like everyone else; I have been dealing with intense pain in my right hip and my right femur for some reason for a few months now. I am not sure what caused it, although my right femur is the one that I broke in half when I was seven years old when I fell from a stair. The pain is mostly at my hip and my right butt, where I can feel the bone pops when I move or stand up. I have received the papers from my doctor that I can get an X-ray on my right leg, but I have been putting that off. It’s good for six months, but I believe it’s getting closer to expiring, so I might have to ask my doctor for another one if I decide once to get an X-ray on my right leg. I am honestly not a fan of going through getting the X-ray, especially if it means taking a long time until I finally go in for the X-ray. I am impatient; I hope that if I do decide to get the X-ray, I can go in and get right to it and then leave without having to wait or go to the Emergency Room to wait for the X-ray.

That isn’t all; I have been dealing with many things in a very short time this year, and a lot happened within a month. There have been a few losses in my life in about a span of a month: my great aunt Joyce passed away after being rushed to the hospital for a stroke, then my great uncle Billy passed away, and also a person who has been my interpreter from grade school to the end of high school, but she was more than just an interpreter she was my dear friend named Delores Goff. That isn’t all either, because early this year, I lost two of my babies, our dogs named Junior and Baby. Then, one of our dogs, named Shaggy, had to have surgery after taking him to the vet to check on a lump in his leg. Thank the Lord. Shaggy had surgery done and is recovering well here at home. There is more than that, but I prefer to keep that to myself. But I have been dealing with a lot of things this year, going through a lot, and right now, I am just trying to get a grip along with trying to get some of the things done, mainly with my businesses, but I am doing okay.

I hope that all of you are doing well!

About expansion and the plans for JoshiesWorld

I have written two articles/blog posts about expanding to social media and collaborating with JoshiesWorld. Still, I want to discuss that more here, hoping that will give a better picture of what I want to do with JoshiesWorld.

For more than a decade, JoshiesWorld has been a news/media company that publishes many articles on different topics, including reporting news and op-ed (opinionated) articles. The reason for the name JoshiesWorld is because my nickname is Joshie. Most of the time, I am a solo journalist/blogger who reports news if I have any tips or sources, and all of these happened in my world, hence the name JoshiesWorld. JoshiesWorld does have guests who would write guest articles (some call them ghost articles) if I know or feel that these people who do guest articles are trustworthy; otherwise, I wouldn’t have allowed them to publish a guest article on or about anything. Then, later on, JoshiesWorld started doing reviews on anything I have gotten, such as products if I can afford them, and reviews on businesses or services, such as reviewing a hotel that I stayed at or the service I have gotten from a company. That will never change; however, as I said for writing reviews is that if I can afford them and I would like to do a lot more reviews, so now I will be looking for any company that would like JoshiesWorld to do a review on their products, service or anything that they would like to receive a review on by JoshiesWorld and to do so is to receive the products or such from them rather than me having to pay for them out of my pocket. There are a lot of bloggers/journalists who are influencers that receive a lot of free things to do a review on them; that is what I would like to do as well, and when or if I do receive anything from a company or business to do a review on they will continue to be an honest review. If they send anything to JoshiesWorld or invite JoshiesWorld to say like their restaurant, they offer me some food for a review; that will not influence how I review them because I will review them as I see them or test them, so if there is something wrong with them, I will not hide that or sugarcoat anything in my review. If I don’t like something, I will state in the review that I don’t recommend them.

Besides the reviews, JoshiesWorld will continue writing articles on all topics and reporting news as usual if JoshiesWorld receives any tips or information from reliable sources. If someone or a business needs to be held accountable for their wrongdoing, then JoshiesWorld will call them out by writing an article about it. That goes the same with writing op-ed articles where I want to share my opinions. is and will always be the central place for everyone to go when reading articles and reviews. Of course, when JoshiesWorld publishes articles or reviews, JoshiesWorld will share a link to them on social media to make sure that you don’t miss out if you follow JoshiesWorld on social media such as Facebook, or you can click here to subscribe to JoshiesWorld so that way you can get an e-mail to let you know that there is a new article or a new review published by JoshiesWorld.

What changes is that JoshiesWorld will reach out to social media, where JoshiesWorld will share some pictures or videos and share small information. For instance, if I am on a trip, I will share pictures or videos on Facebook and Instagram. Also, I will be engaging with the audience on social media, such as JoshiesWorld. I (JoshiesWorld) would also like to collaborate with someone on social media, and to collab (collaborating) with others is one of the ways that can help both of our businesses get recognition. Maybe a video of us doing a cookout or doing a giveaway for both of our fans and whatnot! Maybe do a small giveaway where someone will get free JoshiesWorld and other merch if they have some or something, so the more, the merrier for our fans! So, if you are interested in collaborating with JoshiesWorld, please feel free to contact me here, and if you have not followed JoshiesWorld on social media such as Facebook or Instagram, please do so by clicking this link for a list of JoshiesWorld’s social media.

To make a long story short, JoshiesWorld is becoming more than a news/media company with articles and reviews; it is now also becoming a brand identity on social media as a content creator. Think of it as taking it to the next level! That is long overdue, and I look forward to where that will take JoshiesWorld! Disney’s World, who knows (kidding)!

Facebook groups for Deaf content creators and disabled content creators

I have decided to create two new Facebook groups for content creators in the Deaf/Hard of Hearing community and one for content creators in the disabled community. So, if you are a Deaf/Hard of Hearing or disabled content creator or want to become one, I suggest you join one or both Facebook groups below since the Deaf community is part of the disabled community. I have created Deaf Content Creators, Disabled Content Creators for Reddit and Deaf Content Creators, and Disabled Content Creators on LinkedIn groups.

If you know anyone who is Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or disabled and a content creator, please share this information with them. Even if you aren’t a content creator but would like to become one, you are more than welcome to join these groups. I am sure that we content creators would be happy to help you become one!

Where does the United States rank as a freedom country?

Many Americans always would tout that we, as the United States of America, are truly freedom, especially touted mostly by far-right wings, very conservative Republicans, Trump’s cult, and others. At the same time, we Americans indeed have some freedom, but that is not what we think because they released a statistic called Human Freedom Index 2023 by CATO. The United States isn’t even in the top 5, nor is it in the top 10! Freedom in the United States of America is currently ranked 17th, tied with the United Kingdom!

Here’s the statistic for you to take a look at:

You read the top five correctly: 1. Switzerland, 2. New Zealand, 3. Denmark, 4. Ireland, and 5. Estonia. I am sure some of you have never heard of a country called Estonia, yet that country is ranked 5th, and the United States is nowhere near that rank, as you see that the United States of America is ranked 17th. Some countries are democratic or socialist, and the United States of America is a Republic. That says a lot! The reason that we are falling behind when it comes to freedom is that thanks to former president Donald Trump, Florida’s Governor DeSantis, Texas governor Abbott and others due to stripping away people’s rights such as Roe Vs. Wade (the rights to have an abortion if necessary), banning several books that could be used in their education (many of them were written by BIPOC people. BIPOC stands for black, Indigenous, people of colors) because they are “woke” books. These books that they decided to ban from schools aren’t because they are “woke”; it is because they are very racist, and that is it. You can try to throw any excuse at me, as many as you feel like, but the bottom line is that it is racist! It is no wonder that the United States of America has a poor education system because Republicans always want to control what students can be taught rather than letting the teachers teach the students without any restraint.

Ever since Donald Trump became the President of the United States in 2016, hate crimes against BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) people have skyrocketed. Even former President Donald Trump is friendly toward white supremacist groups such as Proud Boys, Aryan Brotherhood of Texas, Patriot Front, Three Percenters, Ku Klux Klan aka KKK, the group that conservative Republicans Trump cult loves so much, and many more! Suppose you ask me how they can restrict freedom in the United States of America. In that case, They are oppressors who do anything to oppress the voters, to tear down the democracy, oppressing the LGBTQIA+ community from being free and also the BIPOC people (which is obvious as they are white supremacists!). If you ask me which terrorist group is the worst from another country, maybe like Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Lebanon, or somewhere else like that? No, it’s our domestic terrorist groups such as Proud Boys, KKK, 3 Percenters, and others – they are just as bad as ISIS, if not worse!

Suppose you honestly think that they are big fans of freedom. In that case, you are living under a rock because if they were, then they wouldn’t have tried to overturn the election of President Joe Biden just because they lost their glorified white supremacist leader in the election, lobbying to bring back the Jim Crow laws, oppressing the minorities that include LGBTQIA+ community, BIPOC community, disabled community as they wish for people that are purest meaning that there is nothing wrong with them and that they are white. That is just the tip of the iceberg, as there are several more white supremacist groups right here on the soil of the United States of America, and there are many police officers that side with them does not help the freedom in the United States of America either. Suppose we truly want freedom here in the United States of America. In that case, we must dismantle the white supremacist group, stop Donald Trump from being re-elected as the President of the United States, arrest all of the members of white supremacist groups, stop oppressing the minority groups such as the LGBTQIA+ community, BIPOC community, the women rights such as abortion and many more.

President candidate Kamala Harris almost handpicked Ky’s Governor Andy Beshear!

As some of you know, my home state or commonwealth is Kentucky. The Commonwealth of Kentucky has been a Republican stronghold for many years now, and with luck, the Governor of Kentucky, Andy Beshear, won the election both times. He just started his 2nd term not too long ago as the people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky re-elected him. I am glad that the people chose Andy Beshear over a far-right former governor, Matt Bevins, who was awful at his job as a governor. The Governor of Kentucky, Andy Beshear, is a Democrat in a very bloody red commonwealth/state, and we Democrats look at him as a light in that. Not too long ago, President Joe Biden declined the Democrat nomination to run for another term as the President and handed it over to his Vice President Kamala Harris. Talk about a selfless act by President Joe Biden! He could have been selfish and continued to hold onto the power of the President of the United States of America, but he didn’t, as this is his only one term, and he is passing that to Kamala Harris.

As you know, a President needs a vice president. Hence, Kamala Harris had a handful of people to choose to be her vice president, one of them being the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Andy Beshear. At that time, she had around ten candidates for vice president; she narrowed it down to three candidates before announcing who would be her vice president. She narrowed down a group of three people; Ky’s Governor Andy Beshear was one of them. At first, I admit I was selfish because I didn’t want Kamala Harris to pick Ky’s Governor, Andy Beshear. After all, as I said, the Commonwealth of Kentucky is a Republican stronghold. Suppose it weren’t for Andy Beshear, a very well-known person. In that case, we might have gotten a Republican governor instead, which is something I don’t want to see happening, but thankfully, due to Andy Beshear’s name, he won the election both times for a very red state because of his father that both republicans and democrats liked – Steve Beshear who was a former governor of Ky not too long ago.

But then I hoped that Kamala Harris would have picked Andy Beshear as her vice president because both political parties like him. If Kamala Harris had picked him, the Commonwealth of Kentucky would have seen the first woman to be Kentucky’s Governor, as Ky’s Governor Andy Beshear’s Lt. Governor is Jacqueline Coleman. That would be great timing because Kamala Harris would become the first woman to be the President of the United States of America if elected. Then the Commonwealth of Kentucky would see the first woman becoming its Governor, so talk about history-making!

That didn’t happen, at least for the commonwealth of Kentucky, where we would witness Kentucky having the first woman as a governor for the commonwealth of Kentucky but at least we will hopefully see the history-making of a nation such as here in the United States of America electing Kamala Harris as our President that is a woman. It almost happened in 2016 with Hillary Clinton winning the Democrat nomination as a Democratic presidential candidate, and it seemed that Hillary Clinton would’ve been elected but ended up losing to the now-former President Donald Trump. But one thing for sure is that Hillary Clinton has left a crack in the glass ceiling, and now all it takes is Kamala Harris to punch through it with her voter’s help, which I am one of them!

As for Kamala Harris’s handpick for the vice president, she has decided to pick Tim Walz, who is Minnesota’s Governor. What’s my thought on that? Initially, after hearing that Kamala Harris had tapped Tim Walz to be Kamala Harris’s vice president, I was puzzled and thought that Kamala Harris and her campaign team made a huge mistake with their strategy. If I were in her shoes, I would strategize in picking someone for a vice president from one of the battleground states (swinger states) and not a Democrat state like Minnesota. But Kamala Harris has chosen Tim Walz, so be it. I can say one thing, though, that Tim Walz knows how to energize the voters and possibly get more independent voters to vote for Kamala Harris to be elected President of the United States. Better than Trump’s handpicked for Vice President JD Vance, that is for sure!

A way to get around Paywall

Do you get tired of or get annoyed with the Paywall? Me too, and I am sure that many of you are! If you don’t know what a paywall is, have you ever visited a news or a blog website and got prompted (pop-ups) immediately, requiring you to pay to read the article? That is what a paywall is: they have set up on their news or blog website where you can only access their articles to subscribe to them by paying for them. I noticed that many local news outlets are starting to add paywalls, which is insane because they are already subscribed to their physical newspaper but still have to pay for the articles if they want to read them online. News/media companies aren’t the only ones that decide to do that; some bloggers/journalists are forcing their readers to pay for subscriptions to read their articles. I understand they must earn money for their work, but they are not alone. As a blogger/journalist and reviewer, I have to find every way I can to earn money so that I can pay for the server to host this website along with my other websites, to be able to buy the products to do a review on since there is no company send their products to me for a review on them yet and to be able to pay other stuff that relates to JoshiesWorld as a whole. But to prevent my readers/fans from reading my articles? No, that would be the last thing I would do, and if I were them, I would find other ways to earn money other than forcing their readers to pay to subscribe to their articles. For example, I did have ads here, an option for the readers/fans/supporters to donate any amount they would be comfortable donating (which you can find on JoshiesWorld’s donate page in the menu above), looking for some sponsors, and joining affiliation programs such as Amazon, Wal-Mart, or others.

Now, is there a way to get around the Paywall? Good news for you: there is. However, it does not always work, but it does most of the time, depending on which news or blogs are. Here is how to get around it: go to Copy a URL to the article you want to read on that website and then paste it on It will crack through their paywall and unlock the article for you to read, but that does not work on all of the news or blogs, so that depends on which news or blogs you are reading. Of course, I am sure that they would greatly appreciate that we pay them to read their articles, which in turn support them, so if you can afford to subscribe to them, then please do so, but if you cannot, then go to that website to get around it.

JoshiesWorld does not have a paywall, but I would greatly appreciate it if you would donate to support JoshiesWorld only if you would like to. Here’s the donate page, or go to the donate button on the menu at the top of the website. Honestly, I am always in dire need of funds to continue paying for the server that hosts JoshiesWorld’s website because they aren’t cheap, as they cost you from a thousand to a few thousand dollars. There are a few ways that you can support JoshiesWorld, including donating or gifting something through JoshiesWorld’s wishlist on Amazon and following JoshiesWorld on social media because the more followers, the more chance that JoshiesWorld would be qualified to join their monetization program where the social media like Facebook or Instagram pays JoshiesWorld for the post/picture/video/etc. Here’s JoshiesWorld’s social media list.

Streaming services finally started to bundle with others at a very cheap cost

It gets expensive if you pay for many streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, Max (formerly HBO Max), Disney+, ESPN+, Amazon Prime, etc. The more you subscribe to streaming services, the more you get to pay monthly, which costs a lot. Finally, some streaming services decided to do a bundle, such as having a few streaming services into one, and that is what Max just did. You can now buy a bundle of Max, Hulu, Disney+, ESPN+, and B/R Sports subscriptions at $29.99 a month without ads or $16.99 a month with ads. $29.99 for these streaming services is a great deal as it’s much cheaper than paying each streaming service separately. This saves you about $18 a month! I knew that they were working on bundling up with these streaming services but wasn’t sure when they would launch the bundle deal for Max, Hulu, Disney+, ESPN+, and B/R Sports until a few weeks ago, so I quickly canceled all of these streaming services then only subscribe to the bundle through Max. After I did, they emailed me instructions on reactivating my Hulu and Disney+ using Max’s bundle subscription.

So, if you are already paying for Max, Disney+, and Hulu, I highly suggest you cancel all your subscriptions with them and subscribe to the bundle deal through Max, which will save you about $18 a month. ESPN+. B/R Sports and CNN Max are included as they are part of Hulu. Here is the link that you can subscribe to Max’s bundle:

Pikeville Cut-Through in Pike County, Ky

My sweet city’s home, Pikeville, Commonwealth of Kentucky! Did you know that Pikeville, Ky., is a significant historic city? If not, let me tell you! They moved a mountain in Pikeville, and it took them 14 years to move it in Pikeville, Ky. In doing so, that became one of the two largest civil engineering projects; the number one is the Panama Canal, and the number two is moving the mountain in Pikeville, Ky, which was done by the United States Army Corps of Engineers for the cost of 77.6 million dollars on November 26, 1973, and completed on October 2, 1987. A mayor at that time, Dr. William Hambley, who served as a mayor for 29 years, realized that there were a lot of problems, such as flooding (moving Pikeville away from Levisa Fork of the Big Sandy River), congestion, relocating the railroad to eliminate the coal dust in Pikeville, and needing more land. Of course, as you may know, Pikeville, Ky, has more than history. As you know, they are the home of Hatfield-McCoy feuds.

If you want to see the mountain that was moved in Pikeville, Ky, you can go to Bob Amos Park. They have a spot where you can see the view.

Here’s a great video about Pikeville, Ky., one of the world’s two largest civil engineering feats. The video has closed captions!

Deaf Awareness Month

Every year in September is Deaf Awareness Month, where we get to raise awareness about the Deaf community, the culture in the Deaf community, the history of the Deaf community, and others. This is one of a few reasons I created the Deaf/Hard of Hearing content creators page to bring awareness about them to everyone in the public. You can look at the list of Deaf/HOH content creators I have created so far, and that list will continue to get updated as I discover them or have some of them come to me to let me know about them here: Deaf Content Creators.

So, to celebrate and honor Deaf Awareness Month, please feel free to follow them on social media! Plus, be sure to share that list on your social media by going to that page and then scrolling down until you see a section for share buttons! It would be greatly appreciated if you would follow both JoshiesWorld and Joshie’s Photography on social media! You can find both JoshiesWorld and Joshie’s Photography social media links on that list of Deaf content creators. Thank you so much for all of your support for us Deaf and hard-of-hearing content creators!

Also, this month of September annually is not only to bring awareness about the Deaf community but also to promote social inclusion and accessibility. Deaf Awareness Month isn’t all about positive things but also negative things, such as the need to strengthen the Americans with Disabilities Act and raise awareness in corporations, businesses, the government, law enforcement, and others. For instance, at some fast food restaurants, Deaf customers would be forced to go inside the restaurant to order some food instead of ordering some food at the drive-through as anyone else would. They do that because they think or act as if the Deaf people who order some food at the drive-through would take too long, and that would cause the people behind us to complain, but that does not have to be that way because we already wrote what we wanted to order so all they would have to do is to order what we asked for on a piece of paper or our phones. If they follow that, we would end up ordering our food quicker than these people behind us, I think! In another instance but in law enforcement, there was a case where a Deaf man would be walking on a sidewalk minding his own business; for some reason, some police officers decided to pull over and holler at him to tell him to stop, but the problem was that he was Deaf but to the ignorance of law officers not realizing that there is a possibility that the man was Deaf and because of the man not responding to the law officers as he cannot due to being Deaf they shot him in the back while he was walking on a sidewalk which he used to do so every day going from home to a place and back home.

That isn’t all with the law enforcement, as there is another case where a Deaf male driver who was pulled over and decided to drive off, hurrying to get home in fear of the law officers not being able to recognize that he was Deaf or that there wouldn’t be communication between them. The law officers chased him down, trying to make him wreck when all he was trying to drive back home to his family would be at in the hope that his family would speak for him. so he almost made it home. Still, the police officers kept on hitting his car, so he pulled over, desperately trying to get to his family at home. Still, as that Deaf man gets out of the vehicle, trying to communicate with the law officers in American Sign Language, he is shot on the spot. I did write an article about this, and a bit more, especially about how law enforcement does more harm than serve or protect Deaf people. You can read it here: Police Doesn’t Protect Deaf, Instead Harms Deaf.

There is so much more that people aren’t aware of; that is one of the purposes for Deaf Awareness Month and for the allies of the Deaf community to advocate with us to spread awareness to the people. If you are a hearing person and would like to honor Deaf Awareness Month, then I would recommend that you do some research about the history of the Deaf community, as there are plenty of them, learn how to be an ally with them, and find some Deaf groups on the social media where you can join to learn more from the Deaf people themselves by asking them.

If you are a book lover or reader, here are a few books about the Deaf community, its history, culture, and more.

There are a few more books related to the Deaf, Deaf history, Deaf culture, and the Deaf community, but I gave you a few that are, in my opinion, a good choice. If I had to choose three out of all, I would go with Signs of Survival: A Memoir of the Holocaust, Understanding Deaf Culture: In Search of Deafhood, and True Biz: A Novel. If you are Deaf and know a good book that isn’t listed above, then please feel free to leave a comment below. If you’d like to share some things relating to Deaf or Deaf Awareness Month, please comment below!

The people who still complain about kneeling during the anthem

It has been a few years since the start of people taking a knee during the United States anthem, especially during an NFL football game, when a group of NFL teams would take a knee during the anthem song. People say they shouldn’t be taking a knee during the anthem song or the United States flag being raised or displayed. That happened when former President Donald Trump was president, and his supporters made a huge outcry. Still, the problem was that they never realized why they kneeled when the anthem song was being played or when the United States flag was being raised or displayed. Even still, to this day, I see a lot of comments on some of the NFL team’s social media saying that they are no longer fans or refuse to watch any NFL team since they took the “woke path”. It made me wonder how people who complain about it don’t realize what happened. Let me clarify some of the things relating to that. The long story short is that these people were kneeling during the anthem, which WAS NOT to disrespect the United States flag or the anthem song. They kneeled during that time still in respect to the flag and the anthem but at the same time to bring awareness about police brutality toward the BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) people. This whole thing never had anything to do with the disrespect of the United States flag and the song anthem. These people who complained about it got the whole wrong idea and made a big outcry out of it when these people who kneeled during the anthem song or the United States flag were raised or displayed to bring awareness about the police brutality here in the United States towards the minority communities. It was or is their way of telling the police departments, law enforcement, and the government to STOP killing them before they have any questions. They kill them first before asking any question; of course, they are fed up with that. Who wouldn’t be?! No, you and I wouldn’t be because we are white. Where police officers or law enforcement take it easy on us, but once they see BIPOC people, they just go happy-trigger as if they are their targets.

That’s that! Oh no, but they disrespect our American flag and our precious song anthem! No, stop it because that was not what they were doing. Why do you think many people united with them under the American flag and the anthem? Because we ARE the Americans, and we HEAR/SEE their suffering from law enforcement. It saddens me that some of these white people (I am a white person myself) refuse to be united with them and made a big deal out of it just because it was their way of bringing awareness to the public about the police brutality towards them and that these are the human beings just like we are yet these people refused to recognize it. The people who created the outcry over it overreacted and lacked the intelligence to realize what message these people were trying to send. The answer to that is simple: these BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) people said enough is enough with the police brutality and how these police officers treat them as if they are second-class people when they are just equal as we are. If there was one white person and one BIPOC person standing in front of the police officers, and they pulled their guns out with their happy trigger fingers, which one do you think would get shot? Certainly not that white person, and at the worst, these police officers would pull out a red carpet for the white person to walk to the back of a police cruiser if they didn’t decide to let that white person walk away.

We preached that united we stand and divided we fall. It’s one of the United States mottos; sadly, these white people decided to go against America’s motto, which tells me that these white people do not love the United States of America country as they said and choose to be divided. It’s the motto of the United States that we failed to follow, and these white people who refuse to be an ally to them are the ones who are NOT patriots. Cannot these white people read? They made a movement called “Black Lives Matter” to advocate for law enforcement to stop going happy, trigger shooting them first before questioning them, and stop mistreating them as this law enforcement has for decades. It’s not a group, it’s not a gang, it’s a freaking movement! To worsen it, these people decided to say, “All lives matter,” “Blue lives matter,” and others. Sure, all lives do matter, but we white people are treated well by law enforcement, and these BIPOC people aren’t. So, all lives matter, and blue lives matter? What was the point of these people who said these, knowing that the BIPOC people are treated badly by law enforcement? Saying all lives matter and, worse of all, blue lives matter is an insult to their decades-long wounds! That was their time; it wasn’t our white people’s time because we weren’t the ones who suffered every day from law enforcement; they were suffering by being poorly treated by law enforcement.

Anyway, I went off the topic a bit here. Still, I did because it angered me to no end to see how we white people behaved towards them, especially when these BIPOC communities were looking for an ally to unite with them to end the police brutality and the harmful treatment towards them. We white people failed them; we white people failed our country’s motto, “United we stand, divided we fall,” and we white people should shame ourselves for it. Long story short, they were NOT protesting against the United States flag and anthem. They were and are still protesting against police brutality and unfair treatment from them. Think about this: can you be proud looking at the United States flag, knowing that law enforcement in your country is always treating you poorly and always shooting you first before questioning you? Certainly not! I hope that at least helps you to wake up a bit!

Go and vote!

It is very important that we do our duty as Americans and vote for the people we can trust to govern our country. If you haven’t registered to vote, it is the best time to do so, and you can register to vote online or in person. The deadline to register to vote is nearing, as every state has a different deadline for voter registration, so check your state’s voter registration deadline. If the deadline hasn’t been reached yet, register to vote as soon as possible before that deadline! I know that for my state, Kentucky, the registration deadline to vote is October 7, so if you are in Kentucky, you should register to vote any time now! To register to vote online and to get more information, including requesting an absentee ballot online, go to (the official website of the United States government). When you go to, there will be a button asking you to select your state or territory, and then from there, you can register to vote, or in some states, you can request an absentee ballot. Just make sure you have your driver’s license/ID number ready when you register to vote and request an absentee ballot on that date, which will tell you when to request one.

VOTE.GOV is the official website of the United States government.

Do not use Yandex!

There are many different types of websites all over; it is important that we take a closer look and see who owns them and where they are based or located. For example, many of us already know that TikTok is owned by a parent company called BYTEDance, and the BYTEDance headquarters is located in China. So, as I said, we must closely examine these websites along with their apps and see who, what, and where so we can know whether to trust to share our data. We wouldn’t want to share our data with an enemy like China, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, and others for them to have access to our data because that data is where our information is stored, such as our names, our locations, our likes/dislikes, our family members, our friends, where do we go from home, and whatnot which is sensitive information that we should never trust sharing with any enemy foreign. So, you know, one of the enemy countries that invaded our friendly country. Yes, I am referring to Russia invading Ukraine, and we know that Russia is one of the two worst along with China; Russia has its own search engine company called Yandex. Like Google, Bing, and Yahoo search engines operating in the United States, Yandex is a search engine operating in Russia, and Russia’s search engine is Yandex.

Sharing our data with a country we cannot trust, especially if they are enemies, isn’t wise. That was one of the reasons that the United States passed a law that banned TikTok in just a few months (January 2025), and it was because a Chinese company, BYTEDance, operates TikTok. I am surprised that the United States or our ally countries haven’t banned Yandex yet. So, we have to do it ourselves by making sure that we do not use Yandex’s search engine for anything because Russia can easily get its hands on our data, which is filled with sensitive information, especially our locations, our family, friends, birthday, username, name, our geolocations such as where did we go, and whatnot. If you have Yandex as your default search engine, then be sure to change it to a different search engine, such as the ones we trust that we know are operated under the United States or our allies such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Come on, Snapchat?! Still at it?!

I have been contacting Snapchat for many years, sending many e-mails, documents, and whatnot, and I have been the rightful owner of the name JoshiesWorld since August 8, 2007. I am talking about overly politely asking Snapchat to hand over an inactive username, JoshiesWorld, to me as a rightful owner of the name JoshiesWorld. Still, they continued to act as if they weren’t violating the copyright/trademark law. Look here, Snapchat. What’s the name of this website? (and I own all TLDs, too). Look at my social media; all of them with the name JoshiesWorld are in my hands, and the only one that isn’t is Snapchat. What’s even more, that username JoshiesWorld that you hold hostage from me as a rightful owner is that the person who wrongfully registered that username is inactive and hasn’t been used. Wouldn’t it be better to hand the username JoshiesWorld over to me as the rightful owner? At the same time, you would get an active user who would use it personally and professionally. I have even written an article about this a few times, which you can find by searching here (in the top right corner). Again, for 100-200th times, I ask you SnapChat to please hand the username JoshiesWorld over to me, and you can do so by changing my alternative Snapchat username, TheJoshiesWorld, to JoshiesWorld – I permit you to do so. I would greatly appreciate that. Thank you! Please do the right thing; plus, even that username JoshiesWorld is inactive, so it’s pointless to hold it hostage and hand that username over to me, who would be active. Please change my Snapchat username, TheJoshiesWorld, to JoshiesWorld, and thank you again.

Hopefully, Snapchat will do the right thing by handing over the username JoshiesWorld to me as a rightful owner so I can finally start using Snapchat to interact with my family, friends, supporters, fans, readers, and more. Even though I do have an account with SnapChat which is TheJoshiesWorld, I refuse to use Snapchat as I haven’t for years; the only reason I registered with Snapchat using THEJoshiesWorld is to hopefully make sure that everyone is aware that Snapchat is holding the username JoshiesWorld hostage from the rightful owner and to avoid everyone from being confused that it’s registered by someone else wrongfully and illegally.

JoshiesWorld has content creator pages with Amazon and Wal-Mart!

As JoshiesWorld grows, I have decided to expand JoshiesWorld to be broader than just articles and reviews and also on social media as a content creator. Amazon and Wal-Mart have a program for growing and popular content creators or influencers; they both have accepted JoshiesWorld, and JoshiesWorld gets to recommend any products through them that anyone can buy. By doing so, anyone purchasing anything from JoshiesWorld’s content creator’s page on both Amazon and Walmart would get about 10% commission, which would greatly support JoshiesWorld. These products that JoshiesWorld adds to both content creator’s storefront pages are those that JoshiesWorld would recommend or like; otherwise, they wouldn’t be shown on both of JoshiesWorld’s content creator pages.

So, maybe you see something on there that you want to buy through Amazon or Wal-Mart using JoshiesWorld’s content creator’s page, and in doing so, you would support JoshiesWorld at the same time. JoshiesWorld does not control any price; these products are retailed by both Amazon and Wal-Mart as you would in their store or online. The only difference is that whatever they are priced for, they donate 10% of the total costs to JoshiesWorld, which will help JoshiesWorld out. Of course, you can always donate any amount of funds to support JoshiesWorld if you prefer, and you can do so by going to the donate page (which can be found at the top of the site’s menu) or clicking this link. So you have three ways to support JoshiesWorld: one is to donate directly, two is to buy some products from Amazon or Walmart through JoshiesWorld’s content creator’s page, which will reward JoshiesWorld with about %10 commission, and the third is to follow JoshiesWorld on the social media like Facebook or Instagram!

Again, thank you so much for your support; that means a lot to me, more than you would ever know!

Allowing or giving the children some gadgets isn’t a wise thing to do!

I want to disclaim that I am not a parent, as I don’t have children. But I do have an opinion, just as anyone else can have an opinion about something. I was watching a video on Facebook uploaded by Project Nightfall about giving a smartphone or tablet to children and what the result of doing so is. I have put the video below here for you to watch so you can get an idea of what I am talking about. I think it’s not a good idea to allow or give any children some gadgets such as a smartphone or a tablet, especially when they are very young, including some years of teenagers such as 13 to 16 or 17 years old. There is a reason that there is an age restriction for alcohol and tobacco: to prevent them from harm. Alcohol and tobacco are addictive products, and so are smartphones and tablets. If you hand over a smartphone or tablet to the children, you will enable them to be addicted to the smartphone or tablet to the point that they may not have social skills and empathy in their adult life. I mean these days we now see kids and adults being glued to the screen everywhere including at the dinner table which is sad thing that we are seeing now in this generation. These smartphones and tablets control our lives now whether we like them or not, although I come from a generation that didn’t have them at a young age because they didn’t exist. However, I do come from a generation that didn’t have them at a young age because they didn’t exist, these days, we now see kids and adults being glued to the screen everywhere, including at the dinner table, which is enough there was a pager at that time. A, these days, we now see kids and adults being glued to the screen everywhere, including at the dinner table, which is enough there was a pager at that time and a big cellular phone, but often they are in the hands of people who have money to afford them. In my generation, at a young age, to be able to send a message to a friend of mine, I would have to hop on my small ATV at that time and drive over to a friend of mine who lives on the same street that I used to live on to communicate with them. Or I would have to wait until the next day to be able to tell a friend of mine about something at the school. If we wanted some entertainment, then we only had Nintendo NES or Super Nintendo SNES to play games, watch TV, or a movie as long as we behaved well and didn’t do it during our bedtime. Now, the new generation after mine has their smartphone or tablet at a toddler, pre-teen, or teenager age. They grew up to be adults and are so glued to the screen now that they can no longer put themselves aside to communicate with their family or friends at the dinner table or even be willing to schedule the time to hang out with them. They are so glued to the screen now that they no longer put them aside to communicate with their family or friends at the dinner table or even be willing to schedule the time to hang out with their

Nonetheless, allowing anyone under 16 or even 17 to have a tablet or a smartphone is not wise. If they want a smartphone or tablet, they’d have to wait until they are 16 or 17 years old, but that’s just me. Allowing these kids who become addicted to the screen to where anyone under 16 or even 17 to have a tablet or a smartphone is not wise. If they wanted a smartphone or tablet, they’d have to wait until they were 16 or 17 years old because otherwise, we would have to deal with these kids who became addicted to the screen to where they do not know how to behave toward us that are parents. You can just watch the video below and think about it. Would you want your kid to have access to a tablet or a smartphone and then have your kid misbehaving, growing up with no social skills, and not knowing how to be empathetic towards others? I hope not! Anyway, here’s the video below for you to watch, then think about what you have watched below. Please comment below and let me know what you think about the kids having tablets or smartphones!

Do you think Kentucky isn’t doing well under Governor Andy Beshear? Rethink!

If you think or say anything about how Kentucky isn’t doing anything good and how there should be a lot more improvement done in Kentucky under the administration of Governor Andy Beshear, then you are looking at the wrong person. Ky’s governor, Andy Beshear, had his hands tied the whole first term and in his new second term thanks to Ky’s congress being the uber-super majority of Republicans. Governor Andy Beshear couldn’t get much of anything that he want for the best of us as Kentuckians because the uber supermajority of Republicans has his hands tied tightly. The only thing that Andy Beshear can do is try to execute some of the things to make the lives of Kentuckians easier. Still, the problem is that because we have uber-supermajority Republicans, they overturn our own Governor’s power! So, don’t blame Governor Andy Beshear when he barely has any power thanks to Republicans; you see the gas price rising? The cost of food raising? Products cost raising? Move your eyes toward Republicans because, again, Ky’s Governor Andy Beshear cannot get anything through without the Congress, which is – uber-super majority Republicans! If you like the things that Governor Andy Beshear wished to do, then flip the congress to Democrats or balance it with both Democrats and Republicans. Governor Andy Beshear is already into a half-year out of 4 years in his second term, so be sure to straighten out the uber-super majority Republicans congress to even with Democrats and Republicans. Having a congress that is uber-super majority Republicans or Democrats isn’t good; it should always be even, and that is where the bipartisan comes in to make sure that BOTH of us who are Democrats AND Republicans live better.

Of course, as a Kentuckian, I am behind our Governor Andy Beshear! But I am certainly not behind our Congress because it’s uber-super majority Republicans. The keyword is UBER. I would be more content, and I think many of us can agree that we would be content and fair to every one of us if we made sure that our congress was more bipartisan, meaning both Democrats and Republicans evenly rather than an uber-super majority. It is even like our United States Senate, but our Kentucky Congress, both representatives and senate, are NOT – not even close! But again, if you think that Governor Andy Beshear isn’t doing much of anything to make the Commonwealth of Kentucky better, you should rethink that because Governor Andy Beshear has his hands tied, meaning he cannot do much of anything due to our Ky’s congress being uber-super majority Republicans instead of evening it out with Republicans and Democrats. Our Ky’s congress is TOO partisan, and that is Republicans. It’s time we do the right thing, EVEN THAT KENTUCKY’S CONGRESS OUT! So, go register to vote and vote!

Is it necessary to have cussing words in entertainment media?

Before I start writing here, I want to note that this is not a review of The Penguin TV Series. The other day, I watched a new TV series called The Penguin on the Max streaming platform. If you don’t know who the Penguin is, he is a character well-known as one of Batman’s villains. This TV series is about him; after watching it a few minutes into the first episode, I was already turned off because there was so much cussing going on in it. I am not interested in having to read (closed captions; I am Deaf, as you know) half of an episode full of cursing. I am interested in the story and whatnot, but for some reason, they put a lot of cussing in it as if they only have a little story that focuses on the penguin and then fill the rest with the cussing words. If there is any creativity in the script, they should write more depth about the character, the history behind that character, and whatnot, but it seems like all they could come up with was writing half of a script in cussing words. I don’t mind a few cussing words here and there, but they took over half of the first episode. No thanks! So, because of that, it made me think about whether it is necessary to cuss in movies or TV series. I think not, especially if they are being repeated or if half of a script for one episode or half of the movie has cursing in it. I don’t mind a few cussing words in the TV series or movies as long as they are being conservative with them. I want to learn more about the story or history of that character, TV series, and movie itself. Think of it as you watch one episode of a TV series; you expect that it’s going to be talking about whatever subject of a TV series or a movie is about, and then someone threw a monkey wrench in it with half of an episode or a movie says nothing but cussing words – so much that it distorts the real story behind that TV series or movie. It made me wonder if whoever wrote that script is a child or someone who thinks that cussing makes them look or sound cool when it isn’t.

Do you think it is necessary to have cussing in the TV series or movies? Would you prefer a full or almost full story with a few cussing or that nearly the whole episode or movie is filled with cussing rather than a story? Let me know by leaving a comment below!

K-pop boys band, the BTS.

K-pop is a music genre in Korea, like pop here in the United States and a few other countries, but in Korea, they are called K-pop, which has a bit different beats from pop. We know that the king of pop is none other than Michael Jackson. Now, there is a boy’s band that I discovered not too long ago, and that boys’ band is called BTS. In the beginning, many people in the musical industry quickly dismissed BTS because it is a K-pop band from Korea. BTS has been around for over ten years; it was unknown to me that they, as a Korean music band, have numerous songs that were ranked number one many times on the music’s billboard list. Not too long ago, the boys from that band decided to create an album on their solo, and most of the boys in BTS songs were listed in the top 5 of the billboard, too. All the boys in the K-pop band BTS are talented, and they showed that they could make songs that rank number one on the billboard. Then, they decided to prove it even further by doing so solo. However, the band itself wasn’t disbanded, as they will return to the stage in 2025 after all of these band members finished their required military enlistment in Korea.
If you are into music and are a pop, hip-hop, and rap fan, I suggest you look up the band BTS! Or look up some members who make their own music while others in that band undergo military training in Korea. I’ll share three or four music videos below; turn the closed captions on. Some music videos will be from the BTS band, and some will be from the band members who went solo.

The video below is a video playlist, so it has nine videos in one place. You can switch or watch all of them at once by pressing the 3 bars at the top right corner of the video, which will expand the list of songs in the playlist.

Looking for products made by Deaf business

I am looking around for some products that are made by the Deaf or Hard of Hearing who own a business, so if you are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and own a business with products that you make, I would love to try them and will do a review on here at JoshiesWorld. You can visit my reviews section here on JoshiesWorld by clicking here. I am Deaf, a blogger/journalist, reviewer, and content creator for over a decade. Please get in touch with me/JoshiesWorld by email, which you can do by going to the contact page here or messaging me on JoshiesWorld’s Facebook or Instagram page (which are verified) for a shipping address to ship your products to JoshiesWorld. I look forward to testing your products and publishing a review so that a large reader base of JoshiesWorld can also buy them to test them! This would be a great collaboration between us that would be beneficial.

Endorsing a candidate for president of the United States

JoshiesWorld has been in the eyes of politics for many years, and political candidates have publicly shared that they have had an endorsement by JoshiesWorld before. Here is a screen of one political candidate who shared JoshiesWorld’s endorsement.

In this upcoming election, besides for president, there is hardly anyone that I would be voting for because most of them are uncontested, meaning no one challenges them. Unfortunately, most of the people who are on the ballot uncontested or have no challenger are Republicans, and that disappoints me because we need a balance in the county and the commonwealth of Kentucky. I wish anyone who is a Democrat would file as a candidate to challenge a republican candidate, but there is hardly any this upcoming election. So, with this election, I am only focusing on a president, county commissioner, 3rd district, and that’s it. There are two constitutional amendments on the ballot, and one of them turned me off that it says “idiots and insane persons” along with noncitizens to not be allowed to register to vote in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. There is already a law that bars anyone who isn’t a citizen of the United States of America from voting, and if they even try to register to vote, they would be in big trouble with the law. Hence, this bill in Kentucky is pointless because there is a federal law that states that anyone who isn’t a citizen of the United States would not be allowed to vote or register to vote.

If you want to see what will be on the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s 2024 election ballot, here is the link to it. After you look, consider who you would want to vote for when it’s time to go and cast the vote in person or through absentee ballot.

For the President of the United States, I endorse Kamala Harris as the next President of the United States of America and Tim Walz as the next Vice President of the United States of America. I also endorse Jim Abshire as the next county commissioner in the 3rd district. We went through the first term of former President Donald Trump, who is running to be re-elected as president again. Still, with a different vice president, JD Vance, instead of Mike Pence, to know enough that they didn’t do anything that would help this country, they are known for taking the rights from the Americans, and that is a big no-no for me. I do not want a president who is all for himself, his pocket or bank, his family, his friends, and wealthy people. I want to have a president who cares about the Americans other than themself, who is willing to listen to what the Americans want, who is willing to work with both aisles (bipartisan is important!) and represent our country in the best way as possible rather than about themself as a whole. Former President Donald Trump is well known for saying me, and for me, while Kamala Harris has shown that Americans, and for America. So, with that, my easy vote will be filled in the circle for Kamala Harris with Tim Walz! They will lead with both hearts and minds, unlike former President Donald Trump, who led with only his brain, hence his insults, offensive remarks, belittling of Americans (especially calling our POW veterans “weak”), and more.

Ky created the Moore Safe Nights program in honor of KCDHH’s long-time director, Virginia Moore

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has announced that they have created a Moore Safe Nights program, which will provide Deaf Kentuckians with free NOAA weather radios with flashing strobes and pillow shakers. For more information or to apply, go to this link:

When they announced this, I believe they said they have 700 of the NOAA radios for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. They have no idea when they will run out, which is why they said it’ll be first come, first served. If you are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, you are more than welcome to apply for the device. However, if you have never applied for anything through the Kentucky Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing KDCHH, they will require you to get someone licensed to qualify you as a Deaf or Hard of Hearing person, such as your doctor. I have already applied for mine, so who knows, I might get it, or not because they might be out already, and if they are out of them, I am sure they will work on getting more of them.

20 Songs by Celine Dion translated into American Sign Language

Celine Dion decided to have 20 soundtrack songs translated into American Sign Language in honor of the United Nations’s International Day of Sign Language on September 23rd. In a statement, Celine Dion said it took her team behind her 2024 documentary titled “I Am: Celine Dion” about five days to translate 20 soundtrack songs into American Sign Language. The person who did the translation is Deaf, which is even better. The deaf person who translated 20 soundtrack songs by Celine Dion is Angela “AV” Vilavong. Here is the video playlist with 20 soundtrack songs by Celine Dion in the American Sign Language (ASL) version. If you are a big fan of Celine Dion and are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and know American Sign Language, you can listen to your favorite singer with a soundtrack of 20 songs in the American Sign Language version!

News Media Bias Checkers

If you aren’t sure about what bias your favorite news media, such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, AP News, NPR News, Fox News, USA Today, BBC, or others, you need to know if that news media is trustworthy or not. The good news is that there is such a thing; they are a news media bias checker where you can check to see what news media leans on, such as center, left, or right. This website works for you to check their bias, and many have invested in that company/website, so that news media bias checker is very reliable and useful! Here’s the link that you can go to and check if your favorite news media or the news media that you are reading from match your bias, such as if you are a Democrat, centric, or Republican.

Above is the link that will take you straight to the news media bias checker, where you can enter the news media name, and then it will show you the rating of that news media you put in the search. It is a page on, and I use them if I am unsure what bias they are or if they are trustworthy. I always make sure that the news media I read is centered and trustworthy, especially as a source to use in my articles or to share with others to stay credible. Suppose you are in school or university/college. In that case, they will want a source that isn’t biased against Democrats or Republicans and that is centered, meaning it doesn’t favor Democrats or Republicans but is in the middle/center of them, which makes them more trustworthy. Some of the news media that have center bias are independent news media, and we should trust them to check for information or read current events.

The End!

This is all, at least for the topics on the list. Now that the list is empty, I have nothing else to write about. So, I hope you enjoy reading this MultiTopics article and that there is at least one topic here that you enjoyed reading! As always, if you think of a topic or have any information I should write about, please contact me by visiting this contact page, leaving a comment below, or messaging JoshiesWorld’s social media. I will become more active now that the summer is over, which means more articles and reviews are coming! This time of the year is my least busy schedule until next year, so I will focus more on getting a business to send some products for me to write a review on. Thank you so much for reading this MultiTopics article, and I hope you all have a great day or night wherever you are! Speaking of that, if you were impacted by the hurricane, Helene, know that my thoughts are with you, and I hope all of you are safe!

Joshua “Joshie” Sullivan.

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