Well. As I have been driving for a while, about 11 miles so far. I have drove it on the road and the mountain, yesterday I had to take it to the shop because it caused a problem. The problem is the EPS. Power steering, when I was driving even at slow and also steady speed the steering starting to get harder and harder, almost locked me out twice. And the EPS indicator shown every now and then. Hopefully, I will have it back tomorrow. If you are wondering what model and such. Mine is 2010 Polaris Sportman 550 XP EFI with of course EPS. But I still favorite Polaris, I have always love Honda but I am starting to move onto Polaris. I still own my 2002 Honda Rubicon, so right now I am driving my old one until my new Polaris gets out of the shop. Hopefully the warranty will covers the hours of their working and including the new parts if they find anything wrong with the EPS.