There is almost everything about us is now on the internet along with our valuable information and our privacy is getting more harder everyday because we allow ourselves to forget about our privacy by putting something on the internet even if our privacy setting is set private. Everything about you is on the internet now whether you like it or not including your background records and where you live as well, the internet is recording our lives everyday basically. When you are on social networking website such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and among others your privacy is done for even if you are set private because search engines gathers information through any profiles that are set private or not as it doesn’t matter what the privacy settings are set. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing is getting smarter everyday now and they have the thing called web crawlers which is what gathers our information throughout our accounts of whatever we put on our profiles on social networking websites.
Privacy, you are now known!
If you are going to order something online then any information you put in to order something from the internet will be gathered and be added to search engines and many of the websites is getting hacked too so even if we are trying our best to not put as much as information that we don’t want everybody to know, it’s bound to happen eventually. Some of the social networking websites has the private setting where when anyone visit your profiles, nothing is shown but what you don’t know is they are shown regardless because search engines can gather them from the sources or anyone who know how to look up the sources on people’s profiles which is pressing the right-click on your mouse and then go to “source” and from there you will see many of the codes and then there will be some of the information that’s shown in there but not on your profile if your profile is set to private.
Not only our information will be shown in public whether we set our profiles to set or not, any pictures or videos we upload on the internet will be shown on all the search engines websites such as Google, Bing and Yahoo! as well. In case you are wondering if it is a possible to have some of the information of yours to be removed from search engines and the answer is no, you cannot. Anything you put on the internet whether it is private or is not private it’s going to be shared in public it goes into the search engines, so if there is something that you do not want everybody to know then do not put anything on the internet even through e-mail or private messaging because they will be seen since the search engines is a part of your internet browser especially that now most of the updated internet browsers is starting to integrate search engines on the browsers to make it easier for some of the people to find something they want to know.
Not only that but anything you put on your computer is going to be shown eventually whether you like it or not so in a way that once you decided to hook up the network connection by internet provider to your desktop or laptop is the day that your information will be started gathering so basically that is probably two decades ago when a lot of the people started getting dial-up internet. If anyone hasn’t ever had internet then there is very slim chance of having their information shared in public although they bound to be shared on the internet later on because some of their friends or their relatives who have the internet may sharing some of the information about them. I remember many of years ago where there was a lot of the people would use fake names on the internet for anything but that changed now and everybody started using their real names which is interesting especially how things have changed from the era of dial-up to cable internet don’t you think? Indeed it is interesting, I think so myself. I can guarantee you that if you go on the search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo then search for your or anybody’s background you have very high chance of getting their information as their background although some of the services charge money but still they are on the internet regardless where it’s coming from.
Even that everybody started using the real names online has upside and downside, the upside is that it makes things easier for everybody to get to know who they are and I think it helps to lessen the criminals because a decade ago when everyone were using fake names was to mask themselves from law officers if they do something that violates the law but that is not only the upside and downside, there is few more for each and you are welcome to leave a comment and share your opinion of you would like to.
Thank you for reading this article and please keep checking back to see if I am writing another article which I am planning on to write either by tomorrow or in a couple of the days if I find something interesting enough to write something about it here! I hope all of you have a great night and I hope all of you be safe wherever you all are or whatever it is that you are planning on to do tonight, be sure to leave some comments below! Stay awesome, my friends.
– Joshie.