Here is a list of the Deaf/hard-of-hearing content creators. Because there is no list of Deaf/hard-of-hearing content creators I know of, I decided to make one using JoshiesWorld. JoshiesWorld’s website receives several thousand viewers daily, so these Deaf/hard-of-hearing content creators can get more recognition. This list does not have everyone, so it will be updated occasionally when I discover more of them. If you are a Deaf/hard-of-hearing content creator but didn’t see you are on the list below, please let me know so I can add you! If you aren’t a Deaf/HOH content creator but know someone who is, please let me know by leaving a comment below or contacting me via email. If you are on the list but want to be removed from the list or would like to update or add a website or a link to your social media list (a page on your website that has a list of your social media, an example like mine here), please let me know, and I will do so. I need your website address, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube and a link to a list of your social media accounts. There are Deaf/Hard of Hearing content creators groups on Facebook, Reddit, and LinkedIn, so if you want to join any of them, please do! Here are the group links…