Dear President-Elect Donald Trump. I have thought for several hours on whether I should bother to write this or not but I have decided that a few important matters cannot be as easily dismissed so I have decided to write this public letter to you, President-Elect Donald Trump. Before I can begin, I would like to say that you may or may not acknowledge that I am not a fan of you being one of candidates for presidency here the United States and on my conscience I could not simply vote you to become the next President of the United States. I am one of millions who have voted Hillary Clinton to become the 45th President of the United States, while you understand that I have the right to vote whomever I feel that the person would be better at presidency than any other candidates including yourself but unfortunately Hillary Clinton could not get enough electoral votes. Though the candidate I voted for may have lost the presidency does not means that I would not accept that you have won the presidency, I humbly accept you to be the next President of the United States and I am looking forward to what you can do for the Americans. The reason I rooted and voted for Hillary Clinton is because I…