The news surfaced on Google news about Internet Explorer in Technology news and saw the title says “Homeland Security: Don’t use IE due to bug” obviously the title would catch anybody’s eyes and lure us to click it to read the article because that Internet Explorer is popular internet browser beside Mozilla Firefox and funny that the other day I wrote an article about internet browsers so that’s another reason it got me into reading the news about it and you can find my article about internet browsers here. After reading the article about homeland security advising everybody to not use Internet Explorer immediately got me to write an article here to let every one of you to know about this for when if you haven’t heard about it yet so here it is. Homeland Security is advising every one of you to NOT use Microsoft Internet Explorer due to a bug because the bug will get into your computer that attacks your memory and then take over your computer which you do not want to do that and they are advising you to use the alternative internet browser and if you want to know the alternative browser I would recommend you to read my article about the internet browsers because I have listed all of internet browsers for you to…