Some of you may know who Nyle DiMarco is but almost every one in the Deaf community knows who Nyle DiMarco is because Nyle DiMarco is a part of the Deaf Community and yes that means that Nyle DiMarco is Deaf or Hard of Hearing but in this case Nyle DiMarco is Deaf. But outside the Deaf community, millions of people knows Nyle DiMarco through a television shows calls the America’s Next Top Model (guys/girls) contestants who is in top eight (8) 0r ten (10) if I remember correctly in the cycle 22 on with Tyra Banks on CW channel every Friday if I am not mistaken but you can find more accurate information about America’s Next Top Model shows on the channel’s website and to get better idea who exactly Nyle DiMarco is you can find a small biography for Nyle DiMarco through Wikipedia or through one of search engines such as Google or Bing. For several weeks Nyle DiMarco have won where he is to be safe from several eliminations which is somewhat surprising but at same time it is not because Deaf people have the best ability of creating face expression or body expression which that is what takes huge part in modeling especially for photography and of course most of the Deaf or Hard of…