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Tag: Lara Croft

Tomb Raider

This latest Tomb Raider movie released in 2018 is not the Tomb Raider that you would expect from Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider – The Cradle Of Life. Angelina Jolie was a perfect actress for the Lara Croft role, she did it very well, and Alicia Vikander also did the Lara Croft well in the latest Tomb Raider movie. I look at this Tomb Raider movie as a reboot movie because if you watched the other Tomb Raider movies starring Angelina Jolie, then you watch this movie Tomb Raider, and you will immediately realize that it is so similar but in different ways. Before I start writing my review, please be aware that this review will have some spoilers, so if you have not watched the movie, look away. As I said earlier, both movies, which I am referring to the Lara Croft movies and this latest Tomb Raider movie, are similar but different. From the beginning of the Tomb Raider movie, you will see Lara Croft is going through her father’s loss after discovering that her father has left her an inheritance. One of them is Croft’s Manor, where all of the things that her father has stored from his adventures as he is known for looking for mystery things. So, in Croft’s manor, it…

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