I would like to personally wish the most important person on this earth, my mother a very happy mother’s day and that I am very thankful for everything she has done for me past these thirty years since she has become a mother to an only child which is myself – a child that thinks the world of her and looks up to her since this child opened his eyes for the first time after birth.
My mom has never stops her persistence in taking care of me for over thirty years and two months to make sure that I have everything that I need especially the essentials. Such as the roof over me, air conditioning and heating to keep myself cool or warm during both summer and winter; clothes on my back and foods on the table for me to eat everyday. Taking me to my doctor appointments to make sure that I am taken care of, this includes having to take me to Cincinnati to a children hospital every 2-3 years until I become a teenager, never leaving the hospital every time that I had to be admitted such as when I had undergone one of the most major surgery I have had ever went through, my back from my neck to my tailbone and when I broke my femur in half in my right leg my mother drove me to the hospital herself because she wouldn’t want to waste another minute for the ambulance. I have never truly see any mothers that takes as this tremendous care and responsibility without any hesitation for a child as my mother do for me.