Earlier today I was thinking about a bit of history along with what if and what is going on in this world especially in few nations such as United States or their neighbor Canada. So I decided that I am just going to write a few of things to share a few of my opinions so please keep in mind that this is my opinions and of course I don’t speak for everybody else as I would never to as every one of us have the right to speak our minds out individually so this is my opinions. Have you ever came to question that what is the point of this and that? What is the point? What harm can it be done if this happens or what and what will come out of it if this were to happens? That is where I was at earlier today when I was thinking about a few of things about this world and the United States of America itself. There are some of the things that you may not know about one thing in United States that everyone was taught in school especially in history class where Hawaii once was a country itself many decades ago but your history teacher here in United States will tell you that both sides came to…