At the house with me, my mom and Chad. We have been sort of changing every rooms around or remodel if people call it. We are changing the look especially. As the living room, it was old and all. Of course, with my mom and Chad’s decision of the change but I really like it. We changed the floor to the wall in living room, mind you. We used to have carp/rugs stick to the floor and light brown painted on the wall. They and I included decided to change the room with beautifully finished hardwood floor and we also changed the wall to hardwood wall (or they call hardwood panel). It is indeed beautifully redone. Then, mom and Chad decided to move onto the Kitchen the second plan, there used to be all dirty and cracked tiles on the floor and painted wall that called “Amber Yellow”, I know exactly color of wall because I picked that color when we first moved in. Now, no more! We now have finished hardwood floor same as living room and my mom wanted to have Kitchen wall look different than living room so my mom and Chad went and bought a bricks (it is sort of gassed panel if I make any sense) but it does look like chopped bricks and they…