In case some of you may miss the news about Twitter surfaced recently that they are working on a new major feature which they will be releasing in few days and the feature can be helpful in some case, the new feature that Twitter is working on and will be releasing it to all users is called Mute. Most of us know that there are several Twitter users can be annoying especially if they are update too many tweets about their pets or their relationship with somebody and such, or that they are tweeting too much for some of our taste so this feature called mute is where comes in and the mute feature gives us the ability to silence some of the users that annoys us or that we still want to follow but not getting their too many tweets at once in our feeds. It gives us the ability to silence our annoying friends or some of the users so that we won’t have to see their tweets too many of times or being overcrowded by other tweets that we actually like. Silence, Twitter! Can the feature called mute they are working on and roll them out to all users on Twitter be useful or benefits us in some way? Well it could be useful and it could…