I am writing this to ask all of you for some help, I have asked for some help before and I usually ask the help in every article I have written which can usually be found at the bottom of each articles. I must confess that I have been struggling to come up with something to write about or of and I am calling for your help with that. I am sure that you have noticed of lately where I have become less active with the blog, you are right and the very main reason that I am getting less active is because I feel as if I have written everything that I needed to say so in other word I run out of something to write. Now, as I said I need your help with that and I would very much so appreciate all the help you can give me. What can you do to help me you ask? I would be grateful if you would head over to this submit page or you can find the submit page by going to the “submit” tab at the top of this website and from there I would like for you to suggest on some of the topics that you would like to hear from me. Or if you have some…