As some of you may already know, I am not only Deaf, but I also have another disability, and that is I am in a wheelchair, so I am a wheelchair user, which I have been since between an age of 8 and 10, which is over two decades ago. I have written some articles somewhere on here that I mentioned my reason for being a wheelchair user, so some of you might know. Still, for those that don’t know, I wasn’t in a wheelchair after I was born since I mentioned I became a wheelchair user when I was 8 to 10 years old, but how that happened was that at the age of seven, I broke my femur in half on my right leg which is my strongest leg. I have a few friends who assumed that I am in a wheelchair because I am paralyzed from the waist down, but I am not paralyzed at all, and I can still feel both of my legs; I still can move my legs and whatnot, but after I get out of the hospital which I have spent for about a month I was in physical therapy to get myself back to walk again as I used to until that incident. For some reason, in physical therapy, everything was focused…
Tag: Wheelchair
Here I am writing a new snippets article that I know is overdue as I hadn’t written a snippets article about a month and a half ago. I have been going through many things that put everything on hold, including all of my works which I will explain in one of the topics for this snippets article. I apologize for keeping all of you in the dark for at least a while; here I am back working for all of my companies/brands, including writing an article for JoshiesWorld, and I hope some of you at least will like a few of the topics that I am writing about. 7-16-2021 Snippets Here is a list of the topics that I will use in this snippets article. As always, you read the whole snippets article, but if you are in a hurry or only want to read certain topics that you are more interested in, you can press the “Show Topics List” below, and the list will expand (open) where you can see what topics that is being used in this snippets article so you can press any of them that you would be interested in reading them instead of reading the whole snippets article. But again, I encourage a read on the entire snippets article! Inactive And Immobilized Just a little…
Hey guys, how are all of you have done lately? Hopefully nothing troubling. I have done good now and then because it cannot be well everyday so if you have ever said daily that you are doing well then you lied because in reality nobody can be well daily. It is just impossible to be well every single day, surely you can say that you are doing well now and then because then that would probably be true but again I can’t really speak for everybody here but I can speak for myself though. For twenty-eight years through my experiences trying to be well daily is tough and when admitting that you are not doing well on certain days would make things easier for you than lying by saying that on that some certain days that you are doing well. That is part of the life you have to deal with personally otherwise what is life? It can hit you hard sometimes and you are not alone in this one as there are millions of people who has some bad days too. But what is more harder to deal with in life? Having a disabled life, as in having to deal with several disabilities of yours everyday trying to make it through daily with patience. Some of the people would…