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Tag: YouTube

AdBlock Hurts Bloggers And Others.

Some of you may already know what AdBlock is but for some those of you who have no clue what is AdBlock, for those of you who have no clue about AdBlock or what it is all about then please stop reading this article because you are the reason that we bloggers and some of the others such as YouTubers (YouTube Users), people who owns websites that runs such as bulletin messages board (forum), personal website (biography, info-media, etc) or the likes but generally for who owns website regardless what they uses them for continue to keeping up with their websites. Especially for us bloggers who provides contents such as articles to you at no cost and YouTubers keeps uploading awesome videos on regular basis to their YouTube channels because our works gets paid for you without you having to pay to read some of our articles on our weblogs or watch some of our videos on our YouTube channel(s). That is right, I said it that our works gets paid for you without you having to pay to read any articles that we have written and any videos that we have uploaded to our channels on YouTube. How? You can thank advertisements that you sees on our weblogs, websites or our videos on YouTube as advertisements through certain publishing/advertising…

Complaints Of The Day (7/19/’16)

Who doesn’t complain these days? I think it is safe to say that every one of us at least complain about one thing each day, because if you don’t have anything to complain about each day then either that you aren’t alive or that you are a king or queen who have everybody does everything perfect for you every day and every night. We always have something to complain everyday, whether it be because you are coming home from work being very exhausted, you are being in pain, you are not getting what you need, you have discovered that your favorite television shows isn’t going to be renewed for the next season or something so you always have to complain about something everyday. The less complaints you have then it means that you have a great life who have everything, owns several things, are a millionaire or billionaire and visa versa although even these millionaire(s) or billionaire(s) do have something to complain daily too including the president, prime minister, king and queen of a nation. So I am going to list my complaints of the day here, I have thought of blogging my daily complaints but that would be too much because my schedules is crazy busy but I might do my “complaints of the day” here and there especially…

Social Media Cakes!

I have come across some videos on YouTube that I thought were awesome, these videos is where the bakery artist Ann Reardon (I am assuming) shows you how to bake some social media cakes or deserts and by social media I mean Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. The videos that this bakery artist baked is brilliant because I am sure there is many people who loves social media as much as I do and as for me I am a big Twitter fan. Surely I like Facebook too and as for Instagram I am no so sure about that because both of us have many of difficulties with each others (they don’t respect law — Tonight or in a few days I will write about it so you know why). But nonetheless the more I talk about these social cakes the more I want to bake them and bad thing is that I am on diet so I better stop talking about some cakes before I cave in which is something that I don’t want to happen. If you are baker then I am sure that you will appreciate this bakery artist and if you are a fan of social media and love cakes too then this is for you all! Want to make some social media cakes? Don’t worry…

Tidbits 9-25-2015.

Hey guys! I know I haven’t blogged in a very long time because I have been very busy lately as I have mentioned in previous post on here that I have a strong feeling that the things would be getting a bit busier for me especially in the summer and that feeling I had was right. I apologize if I had some of you waiting on for a new blog post from me because I have realized recently that I didn’t blogged anything in almost a month although that isn’t a record-breaking because I wasn’t able to blog for almost three or four months before due to for some reasons that I forgot what it was and sometimes I even surprise myself for not being able to blog anything for that long period of time because to some people I am known for being a very impatient person so in that case I can understand some of you might be impatiently waiting for a new blog from me or especially at least another new tidbits article. Now for that I am giving you a fix because I am writing another tidbits article just for all of you fans who like reading some tidbit articles here so here it is and for those of you new readers if you don’t understand…

My Social Media List.

There have been a updated social media list here, click here to view the updated social media list! Hello to you all! I realize that there may be some of the people who doesn’t know some of my social media profiles such as Facebook page, Twitter profile, Instagram profile and some of the others especially on the popular social networking websites. So I am going to give you a list of my social networking profiles under this blogs post to make things easier for all of you to be able to find my social networking profiles for you to follow if you would like to. Most of my social networking profiles are open to public except the only one that is not open to public which is my personal Facebook account as it is used for my only family and friends to have a way of contacting me if needed so I hope that you all understand but again this shouldn’t worry you a bit because I do have a Facebook page that is open to public for all of you to follow. Now here is the list of my social networking profiles that is open to public so all of you are very much welcome to follow all of them or any social networking websites that you have an…

Stream Your Stuff.

I hope that every one of you have a great day and enjoy whatever it was that every one of you was doing today. For me I enjoyed my day especially going out to a dinner at Cheech’s in Lenore, WV with my mother and my step father Chad for my mom’s Mother Day dinner. We all ordered pizza with half of toppings, pepperoni on one side then other side sausages and pepperoni I am thinking but the pizza were good although the pizza from Cheech’s aren’t my favorite although it is definitely in my top five favorite pizza restaurants. If you are looking for some pizza close to Logan, WV then you should check out Cheech’s restaurant but if you don’t want some pizzas then don’t worry because Cheech’s offers different foods on their menu especially the Italian foods so if you are a fan of Italian foods then this is the restaurant to check out and you can find Cheech’s place on FourSquare which is an excellent app that has a bit more accurate information than the Yelp app although Yelp is more known for adding reviews but when it comes to looking for some information such as ratings, prices, locations etc then FourSquare is the way to go! I have realized that I am starting to get…

Gymkhana With ’65 Mustang.

I would love to write a whole a lot about some of the vehicles because they are one of my favorite things on this earth, especially when it comes to my all-time favorite vehicle Mustang made by Ford and especially my years of Mustang which is the year of 60s. I am thinking about to write an article with a bit of history on the Ford Mustang however I have no time for that today because I am somewhat in hurry, as I was browsing through some of the videos on a popular media sharing website YouTube to kill this very little free time of mine and I have come across a video where it caught my attention while at same time I felt a bit of disrespected at least especially for Ford company on their Mustang. The video that I have come across is a video of Gymkhana with Ken Block who is a rally driver which I am sure that some of you know that he has done several gymkhana videos as almost every one of them went viral and of course every Gymkhana videos starring Ken Block is always entertaining to watch… Until this one that I came across a video which is the 7th gymkhana that Ken Block has done that I am somewhat unsure of,…

Exploiting Deaf’s Language.

I don’t know if you have heard of a couple of people who is Tina and Paul Sirimacro who are known for SignALong all over on the internet where they would interpret some of the songs using American Sign Language, a language used by the deaf and hard of hearing. They have a few of videos on YouTube that translate the lyrics of songs into American Sign Language to entertain the deaf community which is a great thing because it helps the deaf or hard of hearing people to know the lyrics in some of the songs that they like because they obviously can’t hear music but they can feel the music by vibration especially from subwoofer so being deaf or hard of hearing doesn’t mean that they can’t enjoy some music to dance. While it is a great thing to help the deaf community by offering some of the songs in American Sign Language by Tina and Paul Sirimacro but at same time they are hurting the deaf community more than they ever will know because the only reason that they are doing the songs with American Sign Language is to get the money to pay for their wedding. They are exploiting the deaf community/culture’s language at their benefit which that has upset thousands people in the deaf community,…

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